Too Much Breakfast?

I'm trying to lose weight but I also have a hard time staying full. I try to eat a filling breakfast, since I understand it should be the largest meal of the day. Eat like a king as they say. Lately I have been having 1 slice of Udi's GF Millet-Chia bread (75 cal) topped with a thin slice of deli cheese (55 cal), 1 egg (70 cal), a thin slice of ham (30 cal) all together 230 calories. I have this around 7 am. When I get to work around 8 am I have a bowl of oatmeal Qi'a Superfoods Oatmeal with a tsp of honey totaling 160 calories. After coffee with H & H that brings my breakfast total to 449 calories. Is this too much? I try to have a light lunch around 350-400 cal and the same fro dinner with roughly 200-300 calories worth of snacks throughout the day. Overall I am just curious if I am overdoing it with breakfast?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Breakfast is "too much" if it is 1) more food than you enjoy eating for breakfast, 2) it prevents you from being able to meet your calorie goal for the day.

    Breakfast doesn't have to be the largest meal of the day. If you like a big breakfast, eat one (and adjust for it the rest of the day). If not, eat less.
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    I think that your breakfast would probably leave me starving before lunch, but no, it isn't too much. On my days off from work when my fiance and I do it "big" mine will be over 600, but I'll be full forever. Lots of protein. What matters is that you keep yourself satiated to avoid ALL THE SNACKING. 200-300 worth of snack? A-okay. I do that, too. haha
  • Eleanor_1986
    Eleanor_1986 Posts: 14 Member
    I also don't think 449 calories is too much calories if it fits in with your calorie allowance for the rest of the day. I prefer to eat a bug lunch and big dinner so I only use about 130 calories for breakfast (porridge with unsweetened almond milk) and don't snack. Whatever works for you is always better in my view!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    That adds up to under 1500 calories a day. I think it's safe to say that nothing you eat is "too much" if that's an accurate calorie count. If you're not losing weight, you're probably eating more than you think. Are you weighing everything on a digital scale? Are you logging consistently, even if you eat something that puts you over your goal?

    If you are losing weight and the only problem is that you're hungry all day, try increasing your calories and see what happens. If you stop losing, drop it back down and focus on getting in more filling/voluminous foods. Fruits and vegetables are good fillers for very few calories. Some people find that oatmeal fills them up while others find that it does nothing for their hunger - it's just trial and error. Switch it up until you find something that works.

    And forget about that big breakfast myth. Eating a big breakfast and a small lunch and dinner is not going to help you lose weight. It's calories in vs. calories out. Eat whenever you want to eat.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    not too much.
  • KVS1985
    KVS1985 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you all. Very good comments.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    No, I don't think it's too much. However, I also don't think it needs to be the biggest meal of the day. That has never worked for me and leaves me hungry later on when I've run out of calories.
    My breakfast is typically coffee with cream. Sometimes an 80-calorie yogurt. Then around 10 or 11am I'll have another yogurt and a few nuts. This works best for me and my goals.
  • KVS1985
    KVS1985 Posts: 29 Member
    No, I don't think it's too much. However, I also don't think it needs to be the biggest meal of the day. That has never worked for me and leaves me hungry later on when I've run out of calories.
    My breakfast is typically coffee with cream. Sometimes an 80-calorie yogurt. Then around 10 or 11am I'll have another yogurt and a few nuts. This works best for me and my goals.

    Thank you. I have had some major issues with not staying full lately and always being hungry. That's why I upped my breakfast calories. Where as before it was just oatmeal. Then lunch is usually filling around noon but by 2:30-3 I'm hungry and get that wicked hunger headache even after my snack sometimes. I'm still trying to figure out how to balance my calories so I never get too hungry. I just turned 30 and not sure if my metabolism magically changed over night but something is up.
  • CassidyScaglione
    CassidyScaglione Posts: 673 Member
    As long as you are not finding it hard to meet goals then no, that breakfast is fine. I average between 400-500 for breakfast myself, with my smallest meal in the evening.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Breakfast needing to be the largest meal of the day is an old wives is mythology with absolutely no science whatsoever to back it up. Eat a big breakfast if you like to...or don't...or don't eat breakfast at all...or eat a big lunch...or no lunch and eat breakfast and dinner...or eat a big dinner...none of it matters one bit other than personal preference.