How to say no to chocolate/sugar! SOS



  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    You have to try Lindt Sea Salt.
    One square. Allow to melt in mouth. About 50 calories.
  • charestcr
    charestcr Posts: 8 Member
    Sugar addiction is a very real thing and difficult to deal with because just about EVERYTHING has added sugar or natural sugar in it so unlike other addictions, you simply can't go 'cold turkey'. Sugar has been shown to affect the brain's dopamine receptors creating a similar effect as certain habit forming drugs. I have found that by choosing to eat a low carbohydrate diet a lot of my cravings have gone way down. Carbs turn into sugar as soon as they are digested- and make you crave more carbs and more sugar. I also love Chocolate and get my fill from 85% dark chocolate or making my own chocolate with coconut oil, cocoa powder and sweetened with liquid stevia. Turning natural nut butters into chocolate nut butters also helps and gives you a good protein kick which helps with satiety. I just add cocoa and liquid stevia to taste.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    I am a HUGE chocoholic, and I put about 3 teaspoons of sugar in my cup of tea, along with the inability to hold myself back from other sweets.
    Is anyone else like this? How do you motivate yourself to not give in to these alluring monstrosities?!?

    I have chocolate every day, I don't need to avoid them. You don't have an inability to hold yourself back from eating all of the sugary things. And they are not monstrosities you need to fear. Just take some small steps, reduce those three teaspoons of sugar to one teaspoon. Buy those small packets of chocolate and have one everyday, if the supermarkets where you are are like mine you'll be able to buy small 40g bars of dark chocolate or milk chocolate if you prefer. Depriving yourself of what you want will make you want it even more, moderating how much you have of it makes it more likely you'll stay in control. Sure someone else has mentioned this, but I ain't got no time to read every dang reply to check.
  • alisakorneyeva
    alisakorneyeva Posts: 39 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    I am a HUGE chocoholic, and I put about 3 teaspoons of sugar in my cup of tea, along with the inability to hold myself back from other sweets.
    Is anyone else like this? How do you motivate yourself to not give in to these alluring monstrosities?!?

    OP...I too am avoiding the "sugar addiction" part of this thread and try to offer some tips on your original question.

    Most of us have foods or a category of food that we tend to overeat. Mine was anything crunchy and salty.

    What I did when I first started trying to lose weight was...

    Mentally made a list of the specific food that I overate on (ex...reduced fat Cheezits...chips...etc...etc)
    First I tried moderation.
    When I found I couldn't keep them in the house I only bought them on weekends.
    If that didn't work I put them on a no-buy list.
    Every few months I would try to add them back in.

    After a couple of years at this some things have made it back in to my daily diet...other things have not. I still have a tendency to over-indulge in crunchy and salty food items. I can now bring chips in to the house and have no problems...Cheezits...only on occasion. I still overeat on them.

    My advice...try a few different ways to approach this and see what works best for you.

    Thank you for your responce!
    I have been still keeping small amounts of chocolate in my diet, and it has been working out! Still achieving my goals, and enjoying the sweets little by little with the excitement of still having some left over the next day. Its also helpful to my budget.
    Your support means quite a lot to me♡
  • alisakorneyeva
    alisakorneyeva Posts: 39 Member
    Also if possible, I would like the arguing to stop? (Dont know if thats too much to ask :/) Thank you to those that are avoiding the mini conflict, but as most said, its not even what this thread is about. Its not about science or defining twrms, its about seeing what others are doing with their cravings for sweets.
    We are here to support each other, not place ourselves on intellectual tiers etc. So just be nice and civil!!
    Good vibes only♡
  • VanillaGorillaUK
    VanillaGorillaUK Posts: 342 Member
    Just to add my 2c

    You're doing the right thing cutting back slowly, I was a junk food/sweets addict and I resolved it by thinking long term.

    Everyone wants results right now, but diet/exercise/weight loss/health is a commitment, instead of worrying about instant results, we should be asking ourselves "what will happen in 6 months if I make small consistent changes"
  • MissDeeDee78
    MissDeeDee78 Posts: 415 Member
    Try and wean yourself off of the sugar, used to put sugar in my eat and I slowly cut back. As for the chocolate, try something a darker start off with a low percentage like 60% and work your way up. Bonne chance!
  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,241 MFP Staff
    edited February 2016
    Hi folks,

    I've split this topic. If you wish to debate what the word addiction means, please don't post in this thread. The OP has asked for help with her sugar intake. If you wish to debate the word addiction, or sugar addiction, please post elsewhere.

    Take care,
    MFP Staff