Willpower slacking :(

So iv lost almost a stone since Xmas but my willpower is starting to snag :(


  • fitdaisygrrl
    fitdaisygrrl Posts: 139 Member
    And that happens! Congrats on the loss so far. My suggestion- just keep tracking your food and moving forward. I find reading success stories is a good motivator. Or focusing on different small goals (like drinking 10 glasses of water or eating 5 servings of veggies in a day) helps too. You can do this!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Have a burger to cheer yourself up!!
  • CassidyScaglione
    CassidyScaglione Posts: 673 Member
    Why not eat at maintenance for a couple weeks then? It's a marathon, not a sprint.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    This is normal. It happens with EVERYONE. Have cheat meal (or a cheat day) and don't get too down on yourself. Set new goals and "reward" yourself when you achieve them. It will motivate you to work harder and harder. For example, when I can squat 210 (I'm currently squatting 130..got a long way to go) I get to buy this AMAZING itty bitty bikini. So I'm motivated as hell to keep upping weight and getting stronger in order to "unlock" the ability to buy the bathing suit. As for the diet aspect, everyone has to treat themselves every once in a while so that you don't get too wrapped up in dieting and lose every ounce of determination. Stick with it. Fight through. And you will be happy with the results. Look at how much you've lost already! Keep going!
  • artlover47
    artlover47 Posts: 76 Member
    I found encouragement to keep going by watching YouTube nutrition and weight loss documentaries, or shows like Supersize vs. Superskinny. BBC has some good food oriented shows. When I look at what I eat from a health perspective (to fight disease) it made it a lot easier to eat healthy rather than pick the quicker tasty-but-bad-for-me food. I have to sometimes think of it like avoiding drugs...they may make you feel good for a little while, but long term, they are addictive and terrible for your body. And the above suggestion to eat at maintenance a little while to avoid binges is also good. You'll be ready to focus on losing again soon!
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I don't really know what you are doing, but I've found a few things that have really helped me.

    1. Weigh once a week. Not only is it good for your mental state and getting you to focus more on how great you feel and positive changes you can see with your own eyes, but it actually makes each week a mini goal. I'm constantly working toward Friday (or whatever day you choose). Whether I meet the goal or not, it gives me a little extra jolt of motivation to either work harder or feel like celebrating, which also empowers me to keep going!

    2. Consider making your goal a little easier. It's a marathon, not a sprint...in the long run I find a goal of 1 lb a week soooo much easier to stick to than 2 pounds, which ultimately means I can stick with it longer and be more successful in the long run (isn't that what really matters?)

    3. I also try to save some calories during the week so I can enjoy myself a bit more on the weekends without guilt. I try to look at my week as a whole, rather than each day as a victory or defeat. If I overate 1 day but under ate for 4, the week is a win! By under eat, I only mean a couple hundred calories...I just find it really easy to stay within calories during the week and much harder on weekends...this balances everything out for me.
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    One other thing I’ve learned is that there are 2 types of motivation – PUSH motivation (what are you working to get away from/hat got you started) versus PULL motivation (what are you working toward). These are like gravity – the further away from them you are, the less of an effect they have on you. You’ve done great work, and now the PUSH motivation isn’t as strong. Think about what your ultimate goals are, and keep that in mind while making day-to-day decisions. As you get closer to your PULL motivation, the urge to really achieve it should help you get over that hump, since it will become more attainable to you. Good luck!
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    NEOHgirl wrote: »
    One other thing I’ve learned is that there are 2 types of motivation – PUSH motivation (what are you working to get away from/hat got you started) versus PULL motivation (what are you working toward). These are like gravity – the further away from them you are, the less of an effect they have on you. You’ve done great work, and now the PUSH motivation isn’t as strong. Think about what your ultimate goals are, and keep that in mind while making day-to-day decisions. As you get closer to your PULL motivation, the urge to really achieve it should help you get over that hump, since it will become more attainable to you. Good luck!

    Wow, I love this concept! Thanks for sharing that!
  • dg_darling
    dg_darling Posts: 4 Member
    I love the push & pull motivation! I'm just getting started & find it hard to stick with it some days