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School weight-gain terror!

Hey, I'm starting summer term tomorrow and I am completely terrified about my weight! I started going to community college in the summer of 2009. It was an easy load at first because I wanted to take it slow having not been to school in over 20 years. I was also determined to lose weight and I joined the local Biggest Loser. I was eating better, but boring, repetitive food, and was exercising every day. I did wonderful in school and won 2 of the Biggest Loser sessions. Then I added more classes and my son started going through something awful (I'm a single parent to 2 teenage boys). I began to stop focusing on my own health and started focusing on my son's instead, and school of course. It was really tough for a while. I gained 10 lbs over a few months and was not exercising at all anymore. I still managed to keep my 4.0 and I applied for scholarships, but wasn't thinking that I would actually get one. By the end of the school year in 2010, I had won 6 scholarships. One of them was the largest one you could be awarded in the state. I was told to stop thinking so small and to really go for it at school, all because of that huge scholarship. I thought I would go ahead and apply to my "dream" college.... it was already time for them to close down applications because school started in 3 weeks. I applied and was accepted 2 days later. I was excited, but scared. I had to go to school full-time and keep my grades high in order to keep the scholarship. I started school and started snacking on the school's deli cookies and muffins and candies. I didn't even notice I had been eating almost none stop. It didn't help that I was dating someone who loved big girls and I had no idea he felt that way. I rarely had time to breath, let alone exercise, or so I told myself. I was terrified of losing my scholarship. So I ate more and more. I gained 70 lbs. during my freshman year! Seriously!
This story could go on forever... and probably already has some people falling asleep! LOL so I will get to the problem.
I finished my freshman year at the university about 1 1/2 months ago. Since then, I have joined a new Biggest Loser. I was hoping that by doing that, my state of mind would go back to the healthy mode that it was in during summer of 2009. It didn't work at first, but I'm getting there now. I've lost a little weight and exercise every day unless something major comes up.
BUT I start summer classes at the community college TOMORROW! I have to get these classes done before I head back to the university at the end of Aug. I don't know how I will react. I know the class I am taking that scares me the most might have me munching and bingeing and too busy studying to workout. (I literally study for hours on end) This particular class is a 4week, 4 days a week, over 4 hours a day, accelerated Biology class with lab work. I couldn't handle biology when I tried to take it before, so I dropped it until this summer.
I know people will say, "just take some carrot sticks, and water, and fruit, etc..." but when I get freaked out, I stop exercising and slowly start eating the most convenient thing I can get my hands on. I don't think I have enough of an imagination to avoid falling into the boring gap I fell into before. I was eating the same old things, over and over, and that's part of why it was so easy to give into other food that was bad for me. I also will not be able to use the school gym because I will be rushing home right after school is out.
So, that's my fear right now.... I don't want to go backwards. I've been all gong-ho about getting healthy and in shape. It just seems like I'm faltering today because I realize I will be going to school tomorrow.
If anyone has any suggestions, I'd like to hear them.


  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I think the key will be on planning ahead, honestly. Maybe making a list of dishes/snacks that can be carried to school, and sticking to it. For me, having a plan in place is what saves me from making rush and unwise decisions.

    I can't think of anything else right now. Good luck!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Find 100 calorie packs of snacky foods that you like. You can sit there and munch on them and if you only take a certain # of bags you will HAVE to stop once they're gone. They're not boring (maybe not the most healthy thing either, but at least there's restraint!)
  • nfanning3
    nfanning3 Posts: 23 Member
    you are obviously a strong and dtermined person who can do this! just consider your weakness and cater to them some, but dont give in. for example, if its a sweet tooth or an oral type fixation because of your nerves, try hard candy like werthers or jolly ranchers. if its food then try 100 calorie packs to munch on, but only take one per class or per break to keep you occupied. opt for tea or diet drinks if you need caffiene. and park as far away from your class as you can so you get some nerves out in a brisk walk and get some exercise as well. good luck to you! i just finished 3 years of going back to school and had a 3rd child in the process, but nobody can do it like mom can and you are a role model to others. we just have to remember to do do things for ourselves, as well, to find the real pleasure in our successes.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    my tips for making it thru (both college and grad school):

    if you eat in the cafeteria at lunch, have a salad first (or just a big salad). i had a salad every day with lunch and dinner. load up on veggies as well.

    bring bags of portion-controlled snacks. don't forget protein.

    in terms of exercise, i got to be REALLY good at reading and working out at the same time (now, i just fall off the machine if i try...not sure what happened).

    when studying, if you NEED something to snack on, try air popped popcorn or veggies. my staple was those 100 calorie bags of popcorn...one bag filled me up.

    prep meals ahead of time - if you have weekends that are freer that weekdays, make a whole bunch of stuff and freeze it. this was a lifesaver for me in grad school. i'd make chili or something and study while it cooked :)

    good luck!
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    Very good pointers :0)

    I think I'm most scared of my brain! LOL My thinking goes awry when it comes to this stuff. I tend to think... school, grades, scholarship, good job, school, grades, etc.... and I stop thinking about Hollie. Ya know? It's not that I want to be focused on me me me, but I know that if I'm not healthy, then nothing will matter anyway.

    I guess I just don't trust redheads! LOL.... (I meant me, btw!)
  • Actavella
    Actavella Posts: 39 Member
    Hit up that salad bar! And if you can bring a cooler with you in your car, put away some snacks and food. That is if you have time in between classes to go to your car!
  • Hey Hollie, Your not alone I to have gained weight since starting college to years ago. As soon as I got in to 12th grade in high school I started packing on the pounds. So I went to weightwatchers when it was the Momentum program and then I stopped going because of school work. Then I went back and forth with weight watchers and then when they had changed their program I cancelled Then community college was still in progress and I told myself I cannot keep doing this up and down weightloss thing becuase I am headed off to a four year college this coming december so now I am doing my fitness pal and slim-fast. I follow the slim-fast program along with writing everything down everything I put in my mouth on my fitness pal app and it seems to be working out great! They have everything on here that you can search for! I plan ahead the night before and write everything on here that I will have for that day because if I dont I will find myself hungry and making bad food choices. I know exactly how you feel with reguards to school and food. I used to eat just becuase I would get so worried about quizzes or tests that I only had a certain amount of time to know things and soo much information! But, you have to have your mind set! Seperate yourself away from food to comfort you while studying or worring. Take a walk at times you get frusterated instead of going to the fridge. I am here for you if you need me! I would love support as well!:) I am just as hard a worker as you Ive been through so much with food! I cannot even began to tell you. Ive been struggling with my weight since I was 13. And at 13 I decided to do something about it. I was 13 and 196lbs so not healthy! I started off with the special k diet and to my suprise it worked I lost 6lbs in two weeks and alll I did was walk! lol And I now stand at 147.4. I was 120 in highschool before I started my bad habit and I wish to get bakc to that goal before going off to school. Because by then I want to have control over my body. I will be starting community school again this September and I need all the support I can get as well with staying on track and exercising while school work is a must! So I am here for you! I do not eat anything that the schools provide unless it has a nutrition label on it! Because things that they have could have as high as 1000 calories for something so I either wait until I get home to eat or bring a snack with me.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    Thank you for your support :0)
    I've been heavy most of my life. According to the doctor charts, I need to lose almost 100 lbs. For now, I just want to get back to what I was last summer... and I don't know if that is possible before the end of Aug.
    I will try your suggestions though and give it my all! I am determined and want to get these nasty 60 lbs. off and eventually more. I think that if I don't have the mindset of "maintaining"... like I did last school year, then I may have a good chance of kicking this horrible habit to the curb!
    Thanks again for the suggestions, everyone!
  • grimnir
    grimnir Posts: 61 Member
    Well, you're very unlikely to lose 60 lbs in 2.5 months, sad as it is to say, so I wouldn't worry about that. Focus on eating a healthy amount of good food, and get into a rhythm you can keep up when you get into the fall semester. Make yourself some hard and fast rules about carb intake, if that's your weak spot, and stick to it. Log everything. And destress yourself. 20 minutes of meditation every morning when you get up can help a lot when you have a metric ****ton on your plate, or if you have a half hour between classes, find a quiet spot to sit and let it all go. It'll help your willpower a LOT.