In need of major support please!!

Optimistic1979 Posts: 15 Member
edited February 2016 in Introduce Yourself
I've always have struggled with weight loss. My heaviest was 235 on my 5'1" frame. I did manage to lose 35 pounds 2 years ago with zumba. I had found a exercise routine I loved only for my spouse to complain I was ALWAYS at zumba so I gave up what I love and regret it. My relationship with my SO is very complicated hes not supportive and tends to make me doubt myself. I'm also an emotional eater and I just want to get to 175 from my current 210. Any and all encouragement and support would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and god luck on your journey.


  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi, sorry to hear you have got some struggles. I would say that if you really want it, them don't allow anyone to hold you back. The sticky threads at the top of general weight loss section are invaluable
  • kfm6
    kfm6 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi. I'm Kevin. I started with the goal of losing 50-60 pounds. I've lost about 34 so far. I'm doing it by changing my diet to whole foods, aerobic exercise and weight training. I'm happy to provide whatever support I can. Friend me if you want to provide mutual support. Good luck.
  • jpswfe
    jpswfe Posts: 40 Member
    Hi. I'm sorry to hear your husband isn't supportive. I'm sure it's difficult. But that's his problem and you shouldn't punish yourself by giving up what you love that was making you healthy to make him happy. We have only one life. Take charge of it And get fit for you. It'll make you stronger outside AND inside. You got this! I'll be your friend if you'd like. I can always use added support too. We all can.
  • Optimistic1979
    Optimistic1979 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks star its just difficult when your spouse and supposedly bestfriend sabotage your path to happiness. But I am trying. Kevin that is great you have lost 34 I would love to friend you to support you through the rest of your journey and you can encourage me :smile: Thanks jpswfe you're right I do need to take control of my only life and I'm ready to do so wether he likes it or not. Im not comfortable and happy being obese. Again thanks for reaching out to me I'm a SAHM and don't have much support. Have a great day guys :smile:
  • Linzella
    Linzella Posts: 63 Member
    I know how hard it is being an emotional eater so I can definitely relate. Do what makes you happy :) When I went to the gym, I loved going to Zumba! Best wishes on your fitness journey! I'm sending you a friend request. Feel free to add me.
  • deneenae
    deneenae Posts: 97 Member
    feel free to add! I have a similar starting weight and goal. Definitely relate to emotional eating, but I think I've gotten a handle of it these past few months. I used to eat when I was sad or stressed, but these days I don't feel "the rush" as much. Just takes time and consistency of not doing it. You'll get there!

    And my husband isn't exactly the most supportive guy. He thinks food is love... he means well, but suggesting fast food/restaurants almost every night is getting old. And last night he said to me "you're getting too skinny! That's why you need to put on some weight!" when I said I was really cold. Haha! I don't take those kind of words so seriously anymore.

    In the end, don't punish yourself because of the words your SO says. After a while they get used to the new you and stop complaining so much. And you'll be so much happier with yourself. My husband started complimenting my butt and says it's because of those squats. haha! =)
  • Optimistic1979
    Optimistic1979 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks, Linzella I haven't been able to get to the gym lately but I just discovered that I can watch you tube videos on my tv from my boys game console. :smile: I can pick the ones I really love.

    Deneenae I wished my situation was like yours. My SO is 5'4" 155 WET! :smiley: When I lost the last 35 pounds he never complimented me instead insisted I was always at zumba and what not. I went to Zumba everyday sometimes twice for two years even at 8 1/2 months pregnant. Back then I had a lot of support. So I'm hoping with the help of strangers I can get the ball rolling.

    Thanks you ladies for reaching out to me good look on your journey and have a great day!!