This is my story

My name is Ali. I'm from a small town in Louisiana. I have one beautiful daughter who is a year old. I wouldn't say I was "slim" before I had her but my hour glass figure definitely held less sand if you know what I mean. Same shape, different size. The muffin top appeared, stomach pudge appears and of course a ton of stretch marks. I was always pretty self conscious about my body even when I was in size 7 jeans. Now I'm in a size 14 pant and can't believe I felt bad back then. If I don't do something soon, I'll just keep getting bigger and I know that. But I don't have any willpower. One day I will be pumped and working out and ready and eating good. The next I'll be tired and say one cookie won't hurt and end up eating a ton of them then feel like crap! It's a never ending cycle. Any advice out there is much appreciated. I want to feel like ME again!


  • cackstar
    cackstar Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there. I know it is so difficult to get started....I must have started a dozen or more times before I really took a serious look at myself, my health, how tired I was. The motivation for me was that I wanted to fit my clothes again!! It is hard, but using this app and finding support really does help. Feel free to add me as a friend for support and motivation. Try starting to plan your snacks or lunch for the day...that really helped me. Stay strong