Prism Diet/Clean Eating ReSearch?!?!

ReSearching ONLINE 2-Things:

1.) Prism Diet


2.) Clean Eating, VERY Interesting?!?!

Does anyone know anything about either Subject? Have you Tried either one? What was your Experience?

Thanks & GOD Bless!!! :flowerforyou: :heart:


  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    bump....interested to read the responses you get :)
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I don't know anything about Prism diet, but I do try to eat clean (try being the operative word - though about 15% of my diary is still "processed" food).

    Eating clean makes me feel great and helps a great deal with healthy weight loss. But mostly, it's about nourishing my body and giving it things that are good for it.

    When I joined MFP, one of my friends on MFP provided this GREAT link on how to gradually transition to clean eating. And again, I'm not 100% clean, but I try to get as close as I can (I still need a little packaged convenience here and there).

    Here's the link:

    Edited to add that a quick google search of prism diet shows me it's a low carb diet -similar to atkins? You need carbs for energy. Don't be afraid of carbs. Just eat complex carbs. I try to eat 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein, also known as the zone diet. This has been a good balance for me. Feel free to look at my diary to see what I eat - it's public. *disclaimer - this past Thurs-Sun I was on vacation and ALL healthy eating was out the window - so please look at any OTHER days besides those 4*

    Hope it's as helpful to you as it was for me.
  • chill0315
    chill0315 Posts: 19 Member
    I have done Eat Clean for almost 2 yrs. I do once in a while eat something processed but I do not buy anything intentionally knowing that it is processed. I sleep better, feel better and I know my body has to be in better shape due to it. Lost 70lbs just changing what I eat. Good luck on whatever you try.
    WifeMomDVM U ROCK!!!!

    Thank you sooo much for being so Open & Honest, you are a True Blessing!!! I have a Friend at our Church that is doing the Prism Diet through our Church, and seems to have GREAT Success w/it!!! She was also the one who Suggested i try *GOOGELING* Clean Eating Recipies!!!

    I have NO Clue how to Cook AT ALL, Seriously, i cant even make HamburgerHelper cause i don't know how u make the meat,......sad but true! I can make Pasta, Hot Dogs, Top im looking to Expand/Learn/make better Heathier Eating/Cooking Choices. I must be doing something right because ive lost 62-Pounds since Tues 1/25/11, but i want these Choices to be long-term, life changing, not just a quick fix.....does that make sense? Hence why im checking out my options!!!

    Again thank you soooo much for keeping an Open Diary and for the Links!!! Plz feel free to add me as a Friend, TC, & GOD Bless!!!!!
    chill0315 you had me "At Sleep Better" :wink:

    I have Suffered from SEVERE Seasonal (March-Nov) Insomnia!!! Ive tried EVERYTHING under the Sun!!!! As soon as the Weather Warms, Sleep becomes my worst Enemy!!!! I go on Average AT LEAST once every Week w/48hrs of NO Sleep, the remaining 5-days i get 2-3hrs a Sleep a Night total IF im Lucky?!?!
  • HealthyMe15
    I'm a big fan of clean eating. I got really into it after reading In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan . It opened up my eyes to what goes on in the food industry and and what processed foods due to your body so I think that would be a good place to start.

    A great resource for cooking and eating clean is Clean Eating Magazine. You can subscribe online or their magazines can be found at most health food stores. They have a 2 week clean eating plan where they list everything you should eat for the day and include a grocery list of what you need to buy. I've found that to be very helpful. They also have Budget Meals where they give you five family meals you can prepare during the week, along with a grocery list of ingredients needed, and it's $50 or less!

    When I eat clean I notice that I have a ton more energy, my moods are much more stable and I just feel all around better. Also, the more you get into eating clean, the less cravings you have for the processed foods.

    Not trying to plug anything here but just wanted you to know what helped me get into clean eating and stay on track. Hope this helps!
  • dawny17
    dawny17 Posts: 77 Member
  • sonjakae
    sonjakae Posts: 10
    HI - It sounds like you are in fact already doing something right if you have already lost so much since January, but I completely understand your desire for long term/forever kind of changes. I have done the yo-yo thing my whole life - I just started the prism diet and I am really excited about the possibilities. It is hard to explain it all in just a few words, and while yes, it is low-carb, it is more about no refined sugar and no refined white flour. The first 6 weeks on the program allow only a small amount of brown rice, plain rice cakes, that sort of thing - but apparently after the first 6 weeks bread and potatoes get re-introduced. I think the biggest thing about the plan is the daily workbooks and daily re-commitment and motivation that is found in the workbooks - also the optional scripture reads are really great too.

    While I agree with the one who said carbs are necessary for energy, I also know that there is a BIG difference between good, healthy, low calorie carbs and not-so-good, high calorie carbs.

    The book by Karen Kingsbury is a great read to explain the diet - I think it is about $16 on amazon, but I got it for $10 as a download to my e-reader.

    And I don't think we have a local Prism group - I am waiting to hear back, but if you have someone you know who is doing it locally, then you should definitely consider trying it.

    Hope some of this helps.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    Since I have joined MFP and decided to make a change I have learned something. Anything with the word diet in it... Seems to just be a ploy. We may loose some weight going on a diet... but we do not actually learn how to eat. Once we stop the diet, the weight comes back with vengeance. Sound familiar? I have done it and I can hands down guarantee that everyone on this website has done it as well.

    I have heard of clean eating... In a way it is another diet. You have to buy a book, follow a plan... No book will make you change, you have to want to change. Not for someone else, for yourself!

    You know what works? Eating HEALTHY! That's right, by putting fresh, delicious, and wholesome foods into your body. Want to know what will happen? You body will bow down and thank you. It will thank you for eliminating all of the processed crap and relish in your new lifestyle, as you make the healthy choice to loose weight the right way.

    Why are most Americans morbidly obese?
    They eat processed crap - convenience foods that do not help your body.

    What should you do?
    Take out the processed foods and count your calories... Eat fresh vegetables/fruit, lean meats, and whole grains.
    Low Fat - Fat Free - Low Sugar... These are all ploys to make you think you are eating healthy, when in reality you are just filling your body with more processed crap.

    Will you never have ice cream again? No, of course you will have ice cream again.
    Will you go on vacation and only eat steamed broccoli and boiled chicken? No, I don't even do that when I am not on vacation.
    Will you fall off the band wagon once in awhile? Yes, but the important thing is, that you get back on.

    You want some sort of quick fix? It doesn't exist... Hard work, eating right, and patience... That is what gets results.