Work in Progress: College Student Success

**Fair warning: Nothing absolutely profane here, but one or two mildly-colorful words in here**

I really try not to brag, but sometimes you need to. Still more to do, but I'd like to highlight my progress so far.

At the start of 2015, I was a wreck. 260lbs, smoker, drinker, suffering from, as the doctors put it, a "moderate episode of major depressive disorder". I had just dropped out of school (again; this time due to a lack of financial aid) and was unemployed. I had to move back in with my parents. Life sucked.

Me circa 2014-15. Fat, hairy *kitten*. Still a hairy *kitten*. Can't help that.

Around March I found a job, but I was still wallowing in self-pity. In April, I was invited to a physical fitness test for a good-paying job with career potential. I failed.

Something snapped. Something changed in my head. I had been active my whole life. I had never failed a physical challenge before. This situation was unacceptable to my own stubborn sensibility. So I made small changes first. I started logging my food. I would walk more. I even started saving what meager pay I earned to get back to school. Quicker than I thought, I was making smarter food swaps for every meal. I started to do some mild jogging. I joined a gym with a few friends (who were power-lifters) and started working out with them nightly. I even managed to pay off my local university and enroll in the Fall Semester. Most importantly, my mental health was improving. I was smiling, laughing, and visiting friends. I was happier.

I found myself in a local running store to buy new shoes, and then found myself in their weekly Sunday Morning Runs. Then in their Thursday Evening Runs, too.

I quit smoking and (mostly) quit drinking on Sept 21, 2015. I have not taken a puff since then and while I still enjoy an occasional beer, that word is definitely singular; no more weekend benders ever.

Now it's Feb 2016. I have dropped 40 pounds (220ish currently) and 6-8 inches off of my waist. I'm still a big guy, but my body-fat percentage was about 23% when I went to the nutritionist last month. I have run two 5k's and two 10k's. Without getting dull with statistics, I am active 6+ days per week. This is all great, but I am most proud and amazed by what has happened in the rest of my life.

Just a random selfie. I like this photo, even though I generally despise selfies.

Before/after my first 10k Race posing with my dog. Unfortunately, she couldn't run that one. But she loves running in general, and keeps me motivated to keep going.

Firstly, I am back in school, and finishing my Bachelor's this semester. My finances have returned to somewhat normal; I'm still a broke college student, but I manage available funds and follow strict budgets to ensure I have enough to get by. I am still smoke free. I'm not obsessive about logging my meals anymore, but I still try to keep up on it. I am training for my first half-marathon, which I plan to run on my birthday on April 23rd (Who needs alcohol when you can run? haha). I'll be doing a triathlon sometime this year, and probably my first marathon too. But my mental health has been the most drastic shift. I am happy. Truly happy. I've gotten more confident. I'm no longer on medication. I handle the stresses that occur in my life rather than getting overwhelmed (for more than a few minutes, at least).

I'm still a work in progress. As I said, I have running goals. I have cycling goals. I still want to get my body-fat down to about 15%. But given the turnaround in my overall life, I count it as success. I just wish to continue the success for a long time into the future.

If you are still reading, kudos to you. This mainly helped me cope with an extremely boring lecture.


  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Happy squeaks for you!!
  • LakenBakon
    LakenBakon Posts: 12 Member
    U r an inspiration! Congratulations on ur amazing success!
  • Swanson83
    Swanson83 Posts: 226 Member
    This is a fabulous story! You have overcome a lot and have every right to brag! Well done!!
  • mfpgal14
    mfpgal14 Posts: 19 Member
    Looks great!!
  • ajkish4460
    ajkish4460 Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulations, really fantastic!
  • amyn73
    amyn73 Posts: 241 Member
    Awesome!! I love stories like this. Inspiring.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Nice job and super cute dog.

  • cookma423
    cookma423 Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you all! :) another thing that has made me especially happy is that my hard work has inspired my father to get healthier as well. He told me the other day that he's 26 pounds lighter, according to his doctor. He also walked his first 5k on Super Bowl Sunday! I'm very proud of him.

    And thanks for the pup compliment! She's my adorable pain-in-the-butt haha. But to say she's a great dog is an understatement.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Amazing! So happy for you regaining control and getting your life back. Having been in that deep depressive hole, I clearly remember how hard it was to climb out of it. Way to go! (And your dog is adorable!)
  • judydj1220
    judydj1220 Posts: 79 Member
    You are super awesome for gaining such a healthy perspective in your life and for inspiring your Dad!
  • alynxx2016
    alynxx2016 Posts: 61 Member
    Omg congrats - you're done such a great job.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Way to go!!! You've embraced the lifestyle change wholeheartedly and it's paying off big time!

    Also, your dog is absolutely adorable! It definitely helps to run when the four legged training partner is enthusiastic and adorable :)

  • CaramelCremeux
    CaramelCremeux Posts: 10 Member
    Super work!!! WE loved your story! Keep it going!!
  • southportmom2fab5
    southportmom2fab5 Posts: 49 Member
    Truly inspirational. The lessons learned will serve you well during your lifetime. So glad you are healthy in body, mind and spirit. Congratulations!
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    Great work....very well done!
  • jpswfe
    jpswfe Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I find your story inspirational and your dog adorable. I've suffered from depression too and it's incredibly difficult to dig out of that hole. But you did it in spades. Kudos & keep up the hard work!
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    What a turnround lad! Very well done :-)
  • cookma423
    cookma423 Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words, truly! They are definite sources of inspiration to keep moving forward!

    I am bad about checking forums, so I forgot to get on for a few days. But I really appreciate all of you reading and responding. I hope everyone is achieving their goals, too!
  • mlyn1229
    mlyn1229 Posts: 1 Member
    Having just joined MFP, yours is the first story I have read in this forum. I'm tickled with your progress. I too am in the hole out of which you have climbed. I will continue to follow you and you can be my ladder (no pressure . . ha ha!).
  • cookma423
    cookma423 Posts: 62 Member
    mlyn1229 wrote: »
    I will continue to follow you and you can be my ladder (no pressure . . ha ha!).

    Well I just hope I don't let you down :) I'm not gonna lie; it's a crappy, difficult hole to be in as I'm sure you know. I still find myself battling those depressing thoughts, self-doubt, and self-destructive tendencies sometimes. But it really can get better. It's a lot of F-ing work. But for me the rewards have been infinitely better than any drawbacks or setbacks along the way.

    Welcome to MFP! I've just started browsing the forums here, and so far everyone seems super supportive and caring. Everyone has goals and ambitions, and I hope you find the support and information to achieve yours :)
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