No refined sugar or carbs.. what do you eat?

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
So it looks like this is my lot 10 days every month. I could cry.

I'm already sick of beans, but I need something more filling than plain veggies...



  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Meat, eggs, full fat dairy? Not really sure what your goals are though...
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Are you looking for non-refined carbs? Whole grains - brown rice, kasha, quinoa, steel cut oats, etc.

    Corn and root vegetables. You can sprialize or shred most root vegetables to eat in place of pasta or rice if you are avoiding grains.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Make stir fry, Cabbage, onions, mushrooms, Add chicken or turkey or fish
  • slvc0721
    slvc0721 Posts: 82 Member
    Try roasting your veggies, they taste much better that way. A little olive oil , what ever spices you like ( I use garlic powder, s&p, onion powder, oregano, depends on the veggie) 375-400 degrees place on cookie sheet turn every 15min till roasted they way you like. I love cauliflower and onion, or eggplant and grape tomatoes. Also steam cauliflower with celeriac (celery root) and then mash it like potatoes.
    Avocadoes are great as well. I add them to salads, mash with tuna, put on top of my garden burger, side with eggs. Try stir frying your veggies as well......try to add different colors to make it pretty and appealing.

    Hope that helps......Good Luck :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Meat, eggs, full fat dairy? Not really sure what your goals are though...

    Just nothing that will spike my blood sugar.

    Keep the ideas coming! I just wish veggies were not so expensive right now.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So it looks like this is my lot 10 days every month. I could cry.

    I'm already sick of beans, but I need something more filling than plain veggies...


    I'm confused how you are coming to this conclusion? You have had no blood sugar test show this up according to your thread last night.

    I really can't work out why you would want to do this under the guise of blood work. Are you just wanting to try low carb out? If so just try it, you have been on these boards way long enough to know which foods low carbers eat.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So it looks like this is my lot 10 days every month. I could cry.

    I'm already sick of beans, but I need something more filling than plain veggies...


    I'm confused how you are coming to this conclusion? You have had no blood sugar test show this up according to your thread last night.

    I really can't work out why you would want to do this under the guise of blood work. Are you just wanting to try low carb out? If so just try it, you have been on these boards way long enough to know which foods low carbers eat.

    Ok listen. I've been suffering from horrible PMS for almost 2 years. Feeling awful and weak and shaky and dizzy all the time until I end up eating sometimes 2000 calories over maintenance to make it stop. I've tried everything I could think of, until I read up on hypoglymecia linked to PMS, so I figured I'd give it a shot and just cut refined carbs to see if it helps. So far it's been 2 days and I'm not hungry, my hormones are in control, and I'm not eating the whole house (ok I cut down on caffeine too, which sucks). Before, even one piece of toast with my eggs in the morning would set me off... So that's good enough for me. However I've been eating a whole lot of beans and I'm wondering if there's any other filling options that I could eat without raising my blood sugar... plain veggies just don't typically cut it for me. I know I probably can't have potatoes, and I'm unsure about carrots (but testing that tonight I guess).

    So yeah, I'm asking for options... I never intended to cut anything from my diet so I never really paid attention to all the low carb threads (besides, is it still low carb if you eat 150g of carbs from fruit, veggies, and oats?).

    So no, I'm not trying 'low carb' out, just looking for things I can eat to keep me full without raising my blood sugar for 2 weeks every month. The rest of the time, I can eat anything I want without any issue.
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    I can't have carbs in the morning, as my blood sugar is at it's highest. Some of the things I eat daily that don't spike my numbers are chicken breasts, salads, veggies and ff ranch dip, yogurt, Atkins shake, turkey bacon, nuts, Laughing Cow cheese wedges, peanut butter, chicken soup...
  • Suzanne106
    Suzanne106 Posts: 149 Member
    I eat whatever I want but keep track of everything via this website so sorry I can't help. I can't imagine going through life cutting out any food. My motto is everything in moderation
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    Suzanne106 wrote: »
    I eat whatever I want but keep track of everything via this website so sorry I can't help. I can't imagine going through life cutting out any food. My motto is everything in moderation

    Some of us don't have a choice :(
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    dotti1121 wrote: »
    Suzanne106 wrote: »
    I eat whatever I want but keep track of everything via this website so sorry I can't help. I can't imagine going through life cutting out any food. My motto is everything in moderation

    Some of us don't have a choice :(

    Yeah. I hate having to do this, but all I've done in the last 1.5 year instead of losing my last 3 pounds is gain 4 pounds back because I just get too hungry during PMS... and that's with a lot of restricting the rest of the time to make up for it...

    I'll just plan my refined flour and sugar treats for the two weeks after my period, when I'm typically less hungry and can easily fit whatever I want... yes it's a pain, but a small price to pay, all things considered... just a month ago I was convinced that I was going to gain all the weight back because of this...

    Obviously there's still a possibility that I've just been lucky so far and the worst of PMS is yet to come (the horrible cramps I've had all day seem to say otherwise though), but it does seem to help.

    Now if I could just figure out an alternative for beans that is just as filling, and find easy/tasty ways to cook veggies so I don't get completely bored (or sick of having to chop veggies for 30 minutes every night), it would be nice.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Have you tried taking creatine? The uterus does have muscles, maybe you could get it to power through the cycle faster if you give it a hand with muscle contraction strength?
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Have you tried taking creatine? The uterus does have muscles, maybe you could get it to power through the cycle faster if you give it a hand with muscle contraction strength?

    My doctor said I had the strongest uterus he'd ever saw. I should probably win an award. Wondering if dead lifts helped with my strong womanly attributes?
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Have you tried adding more fat? I've been eating things like deviled eggs for breakfast or roasted veggies with an egg on top, a creamy soup/stew/chili/curry, and stuffed veggies (with meat and cheese) or stir fry, or even just veggies and meat.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Red skin potatoes have a low glycemic index. That would be the term you are looking for. You should find some useful information here.

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So it looks like this is my lot 10 days every month. I could cry.

    I'm already sick of beans, but I need something more filling than plain veggies...


    I'm confused how you are coming to this conclusion? You have had no blood sugar test show this up according to your thread last night.

    I really can't work out why you would want to do this under the guise of blood work. Are you just wanting to try low carb out? If so just try it, you have been on these boards way long enough to know which foods low carbers eat.

    Ok listen. I've been suffering from horrible PMS for almost 2 years. Feeling awful and weak and shaky and dizzy all the time until I end up eating sometimes 2000 calories over maintenance to make it stop. I've tried everything I could think of, until I read up on hypoglymecia linked to PMS, so I figured I'd give it a shot and just cut refined carbs to see if it helps. So far it's been 2 days and I'm not hungry, my hormones are in control, and I'm not eating the whole house (ok I cut down on caffeine too, which sucks). Before, even one piece of toast with my eggs in the morning would set me off... So that's good enough for me. However I've been eating a whole lot of beans and I'm wondering if there's any other filling options that I could eat without raising my blood sugar... plain veggies just don't typically cut it for me. I know I probably can't have potatoes, and I'm unsure about carrots (but testing that tonight I guess).

    So yeah, I'm asking for options... I never intended to cut anything from my diet so I never really paid attention to all the low carb threads (besides, is it still low carb if you eat 150g of carbs from fruit, veggies, and oats?).

    So no, I'm not trying 'low carb' out, just looking for things I can eat to keep me full without raising my blood sugar for 2 weeks every month. The rest of the time, I can eat anything I want without any issue.

    Have you ever been assessed for anxiety issues? I had the same problem, and I ended up figuring out it had nothing to do with my blood sugar; I was having anxiety and panic attacks. The symptoms are almost identical, and I have reactive hypoglycemia, so I always just assumed it was low blood sugar.
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I've tried everything I could think of, until I read up on hypoglymecia linked to PMS, so I figured I'd give it a shot and just cut refined carbs to see if it helps. So far it's been 2 days and I'm not hungry, my hormones are in control, and I'm not eating the whole house (ok I cut down on caffeine too, which sucks). Before, even one piece of toast with my eggs in the morning would set me off... So that's good enough for me.

    Hypoglycemia would mean your blood sugar is too low - and you would probably want to increase it, not decrease it. A quick search suggests the response to PMS linked to hypoglycemia is a diet rich in complex carbs (not low in comples carbs).

  • lemmie177
    lemmie177 Posts: 479 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So it looks like this is my lot 10 days every month. I could cry.

    I'm already sick of beans, but I need something more filling than plain veggies...


    I'm confused how you are coming to this conclusion? You have had no blood sugar test show this up according to your thread last night.

    I really can't work out why you would want to do this under the guise of blood work. Are you just wanting to try low carb out? If so just try it, you have been on these boards way long enough to know which foods low carbers eat.

    Ok listen. I've been suffering from horrible PMS for almost 2 years. Feeling awful and weak and shaky and dizzy all the time until I end up eating sometimes 2000 calories over maintenance to make it stop. I've tried everything I could think of, until I read up on hypoglymecia linked to PMS, so I figured I'd give it a shot and just cut refined carbs to see if it helps. So far it's been 2 days and I'm not hungry, my hormones are in control, and I'm not eating the whole house (ok I cut down on caffeine too, which sucks). Before, even one piece of toast with my eggs in the morning would set me off... So that's good enough for me. However I've been eating a whole lot of beans and I'm wondering if there's any other filling options that I could eat without raising my blood sugar... plain veggies just don't typically cut it for me. I know I probably can't have potatoes, and I'm unsure about carrots (but testing that tonight I guess).

    So yeah, I'm asking for options... I never intended to cut anything from my diet so I never really paid attention to all the low carb threads (besides, is it still low carb if you eat 150g of carbs from fruit, veggies, and oats?).

    So no, I'm not trying 'low carb' out, just looking for things I can eat to keep me full without raising my blood sugar for 2 weeks every month. The rest of the time, I can eat anything I want without any issue.

    If your main concern is a spike in blood sugar, you could try potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, winter squash as long as you're eating them with plenty of fats or protein. Mixing in fats really brings down the glycemic index.

    Roasted broccoli and brussel sprouts are pretty filling and yummy. I know you said you're sick of beans, but they're probably the best at filling you up, since they have so much fiber. Sometimes I cook and eat lentils like rice.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So it looks like this is my lot 10 days every month. I could cry.

    I'm already sick of beans, but I need something more filling than plain veggies...


    I'm confused how you are coming to this conclusion? You have had no blood sugar test show this up according to your thread last night.

    I really can't work out why you would want to do this under the guise of blood work. Are you just wanting to try low carb out? If so just try it, you have been on these boards way long enough to know which foods low carbers eat.

    Ok listen. I've been suffering from horrible PMS for almost 2 years. Feeling awful and weak and shaky and dizzy all the time until I end up eating sometimes 2000 calories over maintenance to make it stop. I've tried everything I could think of, until I read up on hypoglymecia linked to PMS, so I figured I'd give it a shot and just cut refined carbs to see if it helps. So far it's been 2 days and I'm not hungry, my hormones are in control, and I'm not eating the whole house (ok I cut down on caffeine too, which sucks). Before, even one piece of toast with my eggs in the morning would set me off... So that's good enough for me. However I've been eating a whole lot of beans and I'm wondering if there's any other filling options that I could eat without raising my blood sugar... plain veggies just don't typically cut it for me. I know I probably can't have potatoes, and I'm unsure about carrots (but testing that tonight I guess).

    So yeah, I'm asking for options... I never intended to cut anything from my diet so I never really paid attention to all the low carb threads (besides, is it still low carb if you eat 150g of carbs from fruit, veggies, and oats?).

    So no, I'm not trying 'low carb' out, just looking for things I can eat to keep me full without raising my blood sugar for 2 weeks every month. The rest of the time, I can eat anything I want without any issue.

    If you are hypoglycemic, your blood sugar is too low. You fix that with carbohydrates.

    If you're eating fruit, you're eating sugar. The difference between sugar from fruit and refined sugar is negligible.

    I am not sure of what you're trying to accomplish, given your rather contradictory statements.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Just try lowering your carbs and upping your fats during those 10 days. If you're anything like me it will hopefully nix your hunger and cravings.
    I had way less of the hunger and mind gnawing cravings when I was down at keto levels, but even at 100g or under of carbs I can still feel a noticeable difference.