Hammer and Chisel

Any ladies out there doing Hammer and Chisel? Im currently finishing week 4!
I would love some support and encouragement..... I really am liking the the program.
I have about 50 pounds to lose.


  • stronger_today
    stronger_today Posts: 28 Member
    I love that program, could also use support. Feel free to add me.
  • dunphyred
    dunphyred Posts: 1 Member
    I finished week 5 of hammer and chisel today! I would love some support
  • azwildcats7
    azwildcats7 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm ordering it today! How are you ladies liking the program?? Any results yet? Do you all have workout benches? I'm hoping to get by with just my stability ball. What weights are you using? I just have 5 lbs and 8 lbs right now but figure that should be fine to start? Feel free to add me (just put in the comments you're doing H&C), I should be starting in a couple weeks after I get the program :)
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    Hi ladies. I start this program this coming Monday. Feel free to add me also. I look forward to seeing everybody's transformation as well as showing my own.
  • jfp420
    jfp420 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Everyone! My Hammer and Chisel is arriving tomorrow! So I will probably start on Sunday after I have time to shop. I'm a vegetarian so hopefully I will not have too much trouble adapting the meal plan. I'm really excited to get started
    How are all of you doing so far? Any suggestions or tips for me?