Eating calories from steps walked



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    With 100 lbs. to lose I think you could go either way. You'll lose faster without 'eating back' but if having more calories motivates you to move more, that's a good thing overall. But if you're eating 2500ish with 6000 steps, I'd be a little surprised if you achieved your 1.5 lbs/week loss goal, too. Good luck!
  • TriciaSmith2015
    TriciaSmith2015 Posts: 66 Member
    I typically don't eat the calories from my synced steps. I listed myself as moderately active when I signed up for MFP, and I believe that there is an allowance of extra calories for that distinction.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    edited February 2016
    We normally get in steps with normal daily activity. That is not exercise, that's living. Exercise is steps intentionally taken that aren't a part of normal daily activity. You really don't burn much walking.

    Really? I walk an average of 7 miles daily. Half of that is "lifestyle", meaning doing errands, walking kids to school, housework. The other half is a purposeful "exercise" walk. I earn an extra 500-700 calories daily for all of that walking, which I gladly eat, since the scale reflects I lose as predicted by eating them. I would call that significant burns.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I had to get up over my 'norm' to see loss. As I suspected I was already at about 10k daily with 'lifestyle' steps... I pushed my goal to 100k a week with the last 30k being purposeful hill walks and trail hikes & ate some of that back. It has worked well for me.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    The short answer is that no, you shouldn't "eat back" exercise calories.
    Exercise is for health.
    Weight is lost through eating less than you burn, and the easiest way to do that is to eat less, not to burn more.
    (How long does it take to eat a donut, vs. how long does it take to walk it off?)
    Most people underestimate what they eat.
    Most machines overestimate what you burn.

    mamahope wrote:
    I am a female, 5'9", I have around 100 lbs to lose overall.
    I weigh 267 and am trying to lose 1.5 lbs per week.
    In order to lose 1.5 lbs per week my daily calorie limit is 2040.
    I started in JAN14 almost exactly where you are now: 5'10", 275lb, 1800 cal/day.
    If I hadn't lost my motivation last summer, I'd probably be at goal.
    Instead, my lowest so far was 194.
    It feels great. All the self-control is worth it.
    I especially like the reactions from people I haven't seen for a while. :grin: One guy actually did a double-take.

  • cassieknights951
    cassieknights951 Posts: 48 Member
    I sync mine and regularly eat them back, loosing 2lb a week on 1220 Cals a day plus what ever my steps give me which is usually 200-300
  • geckospot
    geckospot Posts: 56 Member
    Overestimate the calories you eat. Underestimate the exercise you do, and don't eat back those calories.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    edited February 2016
    Maybe that 'don't eat any exercise calories back' advice works for very obese people doing very gentle workouts, but I wouldn't be able to do the kinds of workouts I do if I didn't eat some of those calories back!
    Came back to edit: that sounds too harsh! What I mean is this... MFP is set up for you to eat back exercise calories to some degree. Sadly, calorie burns assigned can be too high, so it is prudent not to eat all of them back. But if you are doing something very strenuous, say a three or four hour hike, or even habitual long walks at a 15 minute mile pace or better, etc, you WILL need to eat in a way that backfills some of that deficit or your performance can suffer, you might begin to feel either lethargic or antsy, and you are more apt to break in an unscheduled binge-y way to close that gaping deficit.
    Everybody is a little different. The overall accuracy of all your other logging comes in to play too. Start by eating some of those calories. If you feel it slows your weight loss, back off a little. If you still feel crazy hungry (true hungry, not bored hungry) try adding in a few more. The scale will show true deficit eating is working over time. When I started in August 500 calorie daily deficits were easy and effective. Now that I'm about 20 lbs from my goal 250 calorie daily deficits are more realistic and comfortable. I'm okay with the slower pace. I'm going to be doing some form of this forever, right? I also take refeed breaks where I eat at maintenance just to practice what that feels like. It's amazing how good you can feel after a week or two of that once you get over feeling 'naughty.'
    Fitness and weight loss are two different but synergistic goals. I practice fitness religiously. I take mini breaks from weight loss when I begin to feel ground down, out of energy and overly negative.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    We normally get in steps with normal daily activity. That is not exercise, that's living. Exercise is steps intentionally taken that aren't a part of normal daily activity. You really don't burn much walking.

    It depends on the person and what they set their activity level to. I'm set to sedentary. My normal walking speed is 4 miles per hour. After walking 12,000 to 20,000 steps per day plus my exercise, I earn around 400 to 1000 exercise calories with my Charge HR. I thought that was overinflated at first, but when I didn't eat the calories back I dropped a crazy amount of weight too fast.
  • erinc5
    erinc5 Posts: 329 Member
    I eat most of my step calories back, usually not all, but most of them. I'm set as sedentary and have my Fitbit synced. During the work week, I don't usually get many step calories, but I get a good amount on the weekend and use them to eat and drink well on the weekend!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    We normally get in steps with normal daily activity. That is not exercise, that's living. Exercise is steps intentionally taken that aren't a part of normal daily activity. You really don't burn much walking.

    Really? I walk an average of 7 miles daily. Half of that is "lifestyle", meaning doing errands, walking kids to school, housework. The other half is a purposeful "exercise" walk. I earn an extra 500-700 calories daily for all of that walking, which I gladly eat, since the scale reflects I lose as predicted by eating them. I would call that significant burns.

    My "lifestyle" walking easily meets or exceeds the calories I burn through purposeful exercise. Blanket statements like "You don't really burn that much walking" aren't helpful -- for some of us, it can really add up.
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 403 Member
    My only exercise is walking, averaging about 8,000 steps a day, usually more on weekends.

    And of course that walking burns calories, compared to being completely sedentary.

    I've set my activity level to sedentary and I sync my Fitbit to MFP and I eat most of my calories back, and I've been losing fine. I'm a 40 year old woman, 166cm, currently 76kg.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Mine subtracts calories if I am inactive and adds them back. I try not to go under 1200 net. The extra calories encourage me to move. You could see how it affects your weight loss and adjust. (I am not as experienced as some of the other posters)
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    edited February 2016
    @synacious I'm the same... 20k steps + a workout adds up to A LOT of activity!
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I don't track steps but I do log walking if it's above my normal every day walking. I know when I'm more active without wearing a fitbit so its not a gadget I need. Sometimes I wear my HRM if it's a fast paced, long walk. I'm set as sedentary so adding those calories in is necessary. I'm losing at a great rate.

  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    edited February 2016
    I have a substantial amount to lose and set my activity level to lightly active. I'm on my feet at work 40-50 hours a week running around a restaurant. I'm more than likely at least active instead. But I didn't want to take any chances on over estimating. I have been considering a fitbit but for now just use the Pacer pedometer app. MFP gives me 1970 calories at my current weight to lose 2ppw. I linked the Pacer app and turned on negative calorie adjustment. I like seeing the calories it adds but rarely eat them back. Occasionally I'll eat back a couple hundred. I lose between 2.2-4 pounds on average a week.

    **edited for stupid auto fill corrections