80 pounds to go...

To all my friends out there, anyone in this weight loss bracket that can give me any pointers? I've lost 65 pounds before on Weight Watchers...but I am ready to try something...well, ahem...a little cheaper. I have the fundamentals but am always taking advice. I'd like to lost 80 pounds in 9-10 months, but it seems a little overwhelming at this point. Going from a full-time (and then some) restaurant manager to a stay-at-home mom did not assist in my post-baby weight loss plan. Little man is over a year now and there is no way to hide it anymore. I weigh too much! Currently 238 (eeeek!) and want to get down to 158...I am 5'8" and will always have some hip and bust to me, so I think this is a solid goal. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!!! Good luck to all on their weight-loss adventures!!!


  • alisonnicole84

    I've lost 111 lbs in about 9 months...what really did it for me was cutting out sugar and red meat, and drinking lots of water. I also started eating REALLY high fiber breakfasts and walking/running 4 or 5 times a week. I consistently lost 3-4 lbs a week. Now I've got about 10 lbs to go and they are VERY hard to get rid of, but I'm sure it'll happen. I'm about 5'9" and my goal is 159. Good luck!! You can do it! :)