LADIES: Has anybody's cycle been playing up?

ncm251 Posts: 24
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
WARNING: Guys, if you're squeamish with "ladie's business", this is not a thread for you.


I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered changes in their period since losing weight.

My period used to run like clockwork... but the last few months have been pretty random. One month it came 10 days early... then it came 6 weeks later. This time around it was running about 10 days late and barely lasted a day. I'd had cramps the whole day but there wasn't much bleeding to speak of.

I'm not concerned. I realise that change in diet can affect these things. I'm just curious to see if anyone else has experienced changes.

Share your stories, ladies!

-Nancy xx


  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    Yeah, mine used to be spot on every 28 days and last 4 days. Now I never know when it's going to come! And I get phantom period where I bloat and get cramps around the time I should get it, but never actually get my period.
    So aggravating :P
  • clean115
    clean115 Posts: 59
    I know that being underweight can affect it...
    Weell I wouldn't know if losing weight affects me personally because I have barely lost any.
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Ohmygod. Tell me about it. I'm even on birth control--and since starting the pill, three years ago mind you, my period has been like clockwork. The last three months (since I started this lifestyle change) it has come early and stayed longer. But this month it seems to have decided to run on time again...fingers crossed, at least.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member

    I had some issues that required surgery last November. But my cycles were STILL 33 days apart (since I was 26 and without fail).

    The last two cycles have been wonky. This time, my period was 2 weeks late but just in time for my birthday weekend (today). Lame.
  • manny_bee
    manny_bee Posts: 62 Member
    mine was three weeks late. i was freaking out. haha
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Me, too.

    A couple of months ago, TOM was 2 weeks early. Now, he seems to be a tad bit late. I have been expecting him for a few days now -- I have the sudden weight gain, a little cramping, irratibility and the breakouts -- everything but TOM himself.
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    Today I felt so unhappy when drinking a ton of water. My gut region still ached like I had a big belly full of water. I hope my time of the month doesn't start going crazy, i like the clockwork of birth control! Plus my boyfriend would go crazy waiting.
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    You couldn't have posed this question at a better time!!! Mine has always been exactly on time. I've been eating great and exercising since I joined here. Now my TOM is 2 weeks late. Its freaking me out. I even did a pregnancy test yesterday..and nope..not pregnant. My only son is 19, can you imagine..LOL..I was so nervous..BUT what the heck..still no sign of it whatsoever...GRRRRRR
  • GirlWithRedHair
    GirlWithRedHair Posts: 1 Member
    My last two cycles were only two weeks apart. Having a period twice in one month wreaked havoc on my mental well being and no matter what I did I could not curb the cravings. Blahhh. If I get it again in another two weeks, I'm calling my doctor.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Mine's been acting up too. T

    hough... I am on the pill, and I went to a conference out of town and stupidly forgot to bring my pills, so I missed two in the middle of my cycle. Now, missing one or two pills isn't good, but I've NEVER had it affect me like it did last month! I started spotting after I missed the first one, and that kept on for a few days even after I caught up with the pills.

    Then my period came early this month by about 5 days, and lasted about 50% longer than usual.

    Now... this really could all be because of the missed pills. I have no idea. I only very rarely miss pills because, well, I really don't want to get pregnant, haha.

    But I've also read that hormones are carried in fat cells (or... something like that... I'm probably mucking this up horribly; forgive me, I'm a physicist, not a biologist!), and that losing weight can muck with the hormones as the fat cells are used up. I have no idea how much veracity there is to this story, so if anyone has any other info that would be great!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Mini-pill user here. Normally bang on average, 28 day cycle and 5 day periods. Now they vary hugely in intensity, I don't get cramps so much though. But this month I'm 2 whole weeks early and it's so light I barely need anything for it. Bit concerned if I'm honest!
  • ncm251
    ncm251 Posts: 24
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one!

    On Friday, it was like my 'friend' didn't come for a visit but decided to send a text. If it stays like that all the time it'd be great. But i kinda liked knowing what my calendar was. I'm not on the pill so can't blame it on that.

    I'm curious about the fat cell / hormone thing. When I have a min (a very rare occurrence these days) I might have to look into it.
  • ncm251
    ncm251 Posts: 24
    Yeah, mine used to be spot on every 28 days and last 4 days. Now I never know when it's going to come! And I get phantom period where I bloat and get cramps around the time I should get it, but never actually get my period.
    So aggravating :P

    Mine would normally last 5-7 days... But regular.

    That phantom period us EXACTLY what i am talking about. In fact, I'm still feeling somewhat bloated... And the phantom came on Friday.
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    yup, big time, i either get a tiny bit of spotting or nothing and it can be late or early, i dont even have period pains any more
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