Finally figuring it out in my 40's!

Hello there fellow fitness fighters! So, I'm 47 and have battled weight gain for the past 2 years. When I reached 175lbs, I knew I needed to do something to not only stop the gain, but reverse it. For the past year I've been going to the gym 3 times a week, and although I stopped gaining, I failed to reverse it. So, 3 weeks ago, our whole family joined the YMCA and I began hitting the cardio and strength training 4 times a week AND limiting my daily caloric intake to 1200. I'm thrilled to say that I've lost 5lbs, several inches, and have gone down into a size smaller jeans. Anyone else in their 40's and either struggling to lose weight or have found success? What have you tried, and what worked and what didn't? I'd love to find some fabulous 40-50 somethings to journey with and encourage each other as we get fit and extend our lives. Besides, retirement is around the corner and I want to enjoy it! How 'bout you!?


  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Good for you!!!
    I'm a few years younger and I'm focusing on losing fat and sculpting some muscles. I started heavy lifting about 3years ago and have moved almost entirely away from cardio. I still do Zumba because I just find it fun, and I walk a lot (during my kids' activities/practice or the dog).

    So I am happy to see that you're also doing strength training. Don't be afraid to increase the lifting weight.

    I'm wicked short and my body is way efficient, so it doesn't need a lot of calories, but I like to cook and my mouth likes to eat. So I'm continually "yo-yo"ing up/down the same 10pounds.
    This year, I am trying to get down to a thin weight and then sculpt some muscles/recomp.

  • manefesto
    manefesto Posts: 4 Member
    I'm only 37, but I'll fight alongside you.
  • jpp3184
    jpp3184 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm glad for you. Sounds like you have a good plan.
  • Wagners7
    Wagners7 Posts: 10 Member
    Sounds familiar. I am also 47 and due to a foot surgery have packed on some extra weight on top of the extra weight that I was already trying to lose. I got up to nearly 170, then on October 28th my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic and that I either had to lose weight or go on medication. The specific reason I went to see him, is I thought I was in menopause. In addition to my hormone's being completely out of whack, I was low in B-12 and D, so after addressing that and getting those level's up and losing initially 20 lbs., my hormones are I assume back to normal since everything is working again as it should and my sugar levels are under control again. But since my initial weight loss, my resolve is waning and I'm having a hard time staying motivated. It was actually easier when I thought I was diabetic to control my cravings. Any tips to get back my motivation back. I do feel better, but I'm having a tough time making diet and exercise a priority again. As for sharing what has worked for me...I started out walking in the morning and at night, and tracking my steps with the fit bit and counting calories. As my endurance increased, I added in circuit weight training Mon, Wed and Friday. That's when I noticed the weight really coming off. I was also training for a 5k with the Couch to 5k app, but when I started with weights is when the inches and weight came off. Then I added a Barre class on Tuesdays and Thursday nights., but for the past two to three weeks I really have been struggling to go to class. Even though I feel better afterwards, I just haven't felt like working out. I haven't been getting up to go to the gym for two weeks. It has been colder lately than I'm used to, so I don't know if it's just the weather that's keeping me unmotivated. I haven't been doing my morning and nightly walk because of the cold which is how I ended up at the gym and doing the circuits, but now I'm having a hard time staying motivated with that. I haven't lost any weight since December. I haven't gained either so at least there is that. But, I still have another 10-15 lbs. that I would like lose and if I don't get back into a better routine, I fear I will start to gain and be back to where I started.
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    I'm 41 and have learned a ton from being on this site. I feel like I've finally found the key to weight loss and management that will last a lifetime without making any drastic dietary changes. I've also realized the importance of doing exercise that I enjoy, and for me that is distance running. I run because I love to, and not because I'm trying to reach a certain calorie goal. I've learned that calorie deficit is for weight loss and exercise is for cardiovascular fitness. My weight fluctuates (as everyone's does) during times of training and rest. But I've learned to not get stressed about putting on a few pounds while not doing as much heavy training. I still eat at my calorie allowance and am happy that I'm able to enjoy foods I love while staying within that allowance. But I've also picked up some great healthy recipes too. I had some delicious roasted vegetables tonight! Good luck to you!
  • mayteach16
    mayteach16 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I loved your headline. I am 46 and I am just now doing something about health! I live in Texas so weather right now is perfect for walking. My job provides free weekly meeting with a dietician/nutritionist. Lets keep in touch and good luck...Sandra
  • hagnew0
    hagnew0 Posts: 8 Member
    Sounds like you are on the right track, keep strong.
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    I'm 45, but with our family's lifestyle, having a "regular" routine isn't going to work. I need to lose at least 38 pounds and work in exercise sessions. I would love tap connects up!
  • dougb214
    dougb214 Posts: 68 Member
    46 here, feel free to add me, i am ready for the challenge!
  • janesmithh
    janesmithh Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi! Am a 45 year old female, who has struggled with weight loss and weight gain for over 15 years. Am 5'1" and am now at 160 lbs, used to weigh around 118 lbs when I was 30. For long stretches of time (9 months or so), I will fill in an online food diary be really diligent, lose a ton of weight, and then as I hit a stressful time period abandon health eating, stop with the food diary, stop with the exercise (which is typically yoga, walking, strength training), and will rapidly put on all the weight again. My high is typically 160lbs, my low is typically 118. Am extremely frustrated with this pattern, and would love to break out of it. Looking for motivation on this site, would love to connect for accountability and ideas on how to keep this going and not get stuck in this cycle! Also realize that as one ages, it isn't as easy to keep up the motivation.
  • bethdake
    bethdake Posts: 5 Member
    I 49, 4 boys. 3 are grown and 1 is still at home attending high school. I spent the last 23 years making them and my husband my priority. The weight was up then down but when I hit 40 it stayed up to reach 175. It's been a struggle to get down. Along with the extra weight came health issues.
    My husband recently blindsided me with a divorce. That punch in the gut caused me to loose 10 lbs without trying.
    I took my sister's advice to look in the mirror everyday and say "You are beautiful". It has really motivated me to feel my best and be my best. Age 50 will be next January but each day today is a new 1st day for the best of me.
    Just this week for the first time I went under the knife for eyelid surgery. I don't recommend this to everyone but over the years my eyelids really began to sag causing me to look older than I was so I felt it was for me. I cannot do much exercise this week, but I can walk up and down the stairs. As soon as my doctor gives the OK to start exercising again, it will be a new day
  • mme1127
    mme1127 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey there! Hope you have a speedy and smooth recovery. Thank you for reaching out to me and sharing some of your story with me. I'm very hopeful to find a community of people who can all work together to encourage each other and help us stay accountable, especially when we hit rough patches in life and weight loss. I stay fairly busy, but would like to carve out some time to befriend a few good folks and run this race together. Happy Valentines Day! Love yourself and know that you are loved! Melonie
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    I am 47 as well. I know exactly what you are saying. I was so skinny until my 30's when I had my kids and then BOOM, weight gain and it kept going up. I was so lost on how to lose because before that, I never had to worry and ate whatever I wanted. I am now starting to go back down in weight even though I don't ever think I will be what I was in my 30's. Oh well...As long as we are healthy is my main goal :smiley: