Weight training apps

Hi All

Can anyone recommend a good free app that will calculate the calories burned while weight training based on my own stats i.e weight, age, gender.


  • BrendaJoyce
    BrendaJoyce Posts: 2 Member
    Yes I need yhe same thing you calculate it mild moderate or high intendity x time = approx calorie Expendenture.
  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    You can chose strength training under cardio on the MFP app.
  • tammzmail
    tammzmail Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2016
    Thank for the tips
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I use Jefit for lifting and have never seen any info for calories burned. Is that for the upgrade only? I just plug my time into the Fitbit dashboard and it gives me some calories burned. It's hardly worth logging, though.