A serious question about bust exercise

How can you loose weight from your bust


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    You can't spot reduce. If you have excess fat in your bust, losing weight will reduce that. However, if your bust is large due to an abundance of mammary tissue, losing weight isn't going to help with that.
  • Blackdawn_70631
    Blackdawn_70631 Posts: 283 Member
    Just in general weight loss. If you originally had large breast before any weight gain then there's nothing that can be done besides surgery for breast reduction.
    Before my weight gain I was about a 32C. When I gained weight, I went up to a 40C. Lost weight and they went down to a 38\36-ishC.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Go to a surgen.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    As you loss fat, you'll lose from your bust line. But...it depends on how much of them is made of fat vs. glands. Breasts are made of both, some are more fat, some are more mammary glands. It's a matter of genetics.

    And, as others have already said, there's always surgery if you desire.
  • hopeandtheabsurd
    hopeandtheabsurd Posts: 265 Member
    If you have weight to lose, lose it and some will likely come off the bust (though they may not reduce proportionately to the weight you lose...some lose their bust weight right away, for some the extra fat in the bust area comes off grudgingly with the last few pounds). If you are already at a healthy weight, exercising will not help reduce them, surgery or acceptance would be the options.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Breast are composed of two parts. Breast tissue (including milk ducts) and fat. If your breasts are mostly breast tissue you may not lose much in the chest area. If your breasts hold lots of fat they will shrink as you lose weight. You can't spot reduce the fat loss and you can't predict what you'll end up with. I had D's for most of my weight loss, then over a month or two I ended up with small B's.
  • tiko130
    tiko130 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks y'all, acceptance it is , surgery for vanity isn't for me
  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    If it helps I've lost 2 stone and gone from 38c to 32e, 6 inches off bust and under bust. It can improve hugely! I would say they've improved in perkiness as well, but that's more to do with using the chest press in the gym..