Need friends who are in recovery

Hi everyone I'm Sarah, I'm a recovered addict, going on 3rd year clean. But my new drug is FOOD. I need help with getting proper nutrition and exercise. Also I barely know how to cook so that makes things tougher too. Thanks and I wish everyone the best!


  • dramos1961
    dramos1961 Posts: 81 Member
    Keep it real and get ur new addiction to being in a gym. Food and exercise make a good mix & are great for ur inner self. GL
  • That's a good idea! I've been slacking on exercising, especially now that it's -9 degrees out. I don't have a gym membership but I have weights and a yoga mat at my house. I just need to get motivated to get off my butt!
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    I once read that the only reason people don't get addicted to exercise at a high rate is because you've got to put work into it, but the alteration of brain chemicals is there. Don't know how valid that claim is, but it's interesting.
  • Imma_Fat1
    Imma_Fat1 Posts: 2 Member
    It works if you work it.
    So work it you're worth it.
  • Panda_brat
    Panda_brat Posts: 291 Member
    Do not know if it counts, but I am 21 months tobacco free. in the last 25 months I have lost about 160 pounds. You can meet all your goals. The gym has become my zen place where I do not think of all the crap I used to do or what goes on in the outside world. I just exercise and it clears my mind.
  • jws624
    jws624 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a recovering Anorexic and I am trying to put on some muscle weight. It's still very hard for me because I have my good days and bad days. The gym seems to be my savior but also my enemy too
  • lorellelove
    lorellelove Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there :) I am a recovering heroin addict. I have been clean for about 6 months (as of April 1st... No fronts!) I was in a treatment program when I first got clean, and I put on about 25 pounds. Using MFP I have lost 30 pounds now :) I am happier than ever living the free life of recovery. I am looking for friends in recovery on here as well, and hoping to meet people who "get it" ;) hope all is well and please add me if you would like!