Looking for friends trying to lose the baby weight!

Contrary to popular belief breastfeeding hasn't helped the weight fall off me like I'd hoped!
Being constantly hungry teamed with being at home with a pantry on tap is very hard!! Anyone else out there in a similar boat?
I would love to lose 10kg (22lb) and want to be at least well on my way there by Easter when we have a family wedding to attend!


  • incyem
    incyem Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am the same! I have 6 children and don't normally put on much weight during pregnancy due to bad sickness, but with last baby a year ago it was the opposite and unless I ate all the time I was sick! I gained 2.5stone with her and still have a stone left to lose to be pre baby weight but that was still overweight so would like to lose 35lbs. My problem is I'm so busy that I grab whatever I can on the go, which is normally junk food! We can do this!
  • Berry180
    Berry180 Posts: 8 Member
    Same here I've trying to looses weight for ages. I have the knowledge and the know how buts it's been a hard journey. I've lost and put back on really fast.