Where do I start? Skinny fat...

I am 5 ft 2.5 inches and weigh 113 lbs. I am entering the reserves through the military later in the year and I have fitness goals relating to: run-time, push-ups, sit-ups. I am also hopeful to see the most results in my abs and gluts.

I have been working a lot on my diet and have started doing exercises such as: running (HIIT), jumping jacks, jump rope, various types of crunches, push-ups, squats, chair dips, planks, and various free weights exercises.

Due to my work schedule and being a single parent, the gym isn't an option for me right now, so I need exercises I can do at home or on my lunch break at work. Suggestions?

Also, when you aren't looking to really lose a lot of weight, what is a reasonable time period to expect to see good results w/ frequent exercise and a good diet? I would like to get around 15% body fat and I would estimate I am closer to 25% (maybe slightly lower) now.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    The first time I lost a bunch of weight (90 lbs), I ended up being skinny-fat due to too much cardio and not enough strength training. I was thin but had terrible body composition. Then I had a baby and gained a bunch of weight, and this last time around I made sure to incorporate strength into my routine. It's made a huge difference. Your routine looks very cardio-heavy, so I would recommend you incorporate more strength training. Given your limited time, I would recommend a kettlebell workout and/ or a TRX,which can be set up anywhere and is great body-weight training.

    Don't ignore strength training in your weight loss plan. Trust me on this
  • donutbears
    donutbears Posts: 21 Member
    I second the TRX suggestion as well. Very little equipment needed and can be done at home or at work (if you have the space for it).
  • GBFitin2016
    GBFitin2016 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you! I will be sure to add more strength training into my routine.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Getting down to 15% and then going through recruit training is going to be hell on your body. Nothing wrong with improving muscle though. There's an app called "You are your own gym" that's great for at home stuff. I would also suggest looking into the training techniques for GoRuck or Spartan Race since they have many similarities with military training.