Am I doing enough?

Thanks for taking the time to read & advise.

My goal is to lose 100lbs and i'm starting on the slimfast diet basically because I like a structure I can work too as my own seems to always go askew. I have a treadmill but get bored on it so purchased Jillian Michaels BFBM & 30DS (NMTZ is in the post), I plan to do the shred and BFBM 5 days a week and play kinect games on the 6th and rest Sundays so I get in an hour a day of exercise.
I did want to take up jogging but with my size i'm too embarrassed to do it in public and waking up earlier is not an option so please don't suggest that lol!

So based on just doing the DVDS 5x a week is this enough to lose weight preferably by Feb/Mar 2012 latest or should I be doing more? What are the best exercises for a heavy set girl?


  • dian1227
    dian1227 Posts: 122 Member
    CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO!!! I am not a fan of my treadmill at all, but the calories I burn when I really get going are the key...Jillian is great too, I am using Ripped in 30 and she kicks my butt.

    Keep moving, any exercise at all until you build stamina...cardio helps to do that...Just keep moving and sweating and the weight will start to move.

    What are your calorie goals?
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    Weight loss is a slow and steady process that requires patience, determine and strong will. As long as by the end of the week, you have a 3500 calorie deficit, you should lose 1 lb a week. It is amazing how fast we can put the weight on but how slow it takes to burn it off. Keep pushing play on those DVDs and getting health "CLEAN" foods and you will do just fine...
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    I'd try just what you have planned and see how it works. Its great to have plans and goals. After a week or two, see how you are doing. You may end up adding another cardio session at some point in the day or going for a walk or some other form of exercise. Good Luck!
  • darlat74
    darlat74 Posts: 23
    The DVD's are fine but just remember to push hard. I found when I started exercising just walking for 30 minutes was a big accomplishment but now I'm hiking, walking a brisker pace and doing lunges and squats with ease. Start off with what you are comfortable with and push a little harder everyday. The harder you push the more results you will see. So where you are starting is great but once you feel comfortable change it up. You can lose motivation when you do same stuff over and over.
  • tuskegee4
    tuskegee4 Posts: 110 Member
    Watch your sugar intake with those slimfast drinks. Look at or have someone look at your diet and try to eliminate/decrease one bad habit a month. I'm currently trying to decrease creamer in my coffee. Slow and steady, be consistent and you will have success. If you get bored find a friend or join a MFP group. Good Luck!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Did you just say Slim Fast?

    Uh yeah....forget it....get yourself some good EAS 100% whey Protein powder and some low carb almond milk or Valio by real goodness 2% and add that to a shake

    Compare Slim Fast and Protein powder and both taste good but the protein powder has more good stuff and less sugars and less carbs than Slim Fast.

    Why not just eat clean healthy foods that God, the Universe gives you and can the miracle in a Slim Fast can.

    I did Slim Fast in high school and lost but then tried to redo it as I steadily regained after coming off Slim Fast and could not make the lbs budge....that's why they call it a FAD diet and not a lifestyle plan.

    Are you planning to do SLim Fast for life then go for it, but if not eat and lose the real way with real foods.

    50% of your plate is leafy greens, salads, green or yellow veggies 25% is protein and 25% is a small treat or a starch that is brown like brown rice or 100% whole wheat bread

    I know you can do it, but I am doubtful of useing Slim fast at all for anyone.

    Just do the comparisons with a slim fast can and a can of the 100% eas whey protein powder mix and it will show you some amazing differences.
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Thanks for the advice, I will give it a go for 2 weeks and if there are no difference I guess I will have to change it up.

    My calorie goal is 1220 a day and my ultimate goal is to try and lose 10lbs a month, a bit ambitious but something to work towards. My worry is not eating enough calories as i've just completed a 40min cardio with JM and i'm struggling to eat a fruit pack as i'm not hungry hence why I want to try Slimfast for that extra boost.

    Once my boobs go down I may even attempt the jogging (under the cover of darkness of course) hehe
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Oh I have to add....please be patient...unlike me....we all want fast results hence your need to Slim .....Fast by using slim fast. But you did not gain it all overnight so don't expect to lose it over night....1-2 lb a week is healthy steady and safe and maintainable.

    Just be grateful and thankful you can do it and your body responds even if it takes a while....don't put a time limit on it or you will get frustrated and panicky if yor get stuck and that builds stress and cotrisol and more probability of staying stuck due to high stress cortisol over fretting about it.

    Just do it and let it happen.

    don't deny yourself anything go everything in moderation or you will go nuts on the one food calling your name and you could have it you weren't on a damn diet. So make sure you allow yourself something every once in a while to stay sane.