How often?

Been trying this for just over a week and am so proud that I'm managing to stick to my calories or less am becoming annoyed when I weigh myself! How often should I weigh in?! Should I worry about a rebound pound?!


  • Cheryllynnhagen
    Cheryllynnhagen Posts: 51 Member
    I weight twice a week and fluctuate 2 or 3 lbs because of too much salt or water retention.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    That's a personal preference. Your weight will fluctuate daily based on a number of influences, including anything from extra sodium intake to humidity, so you will see LOTS of ups and downs on the scale.

    If you like to gather data and analyse trends, you could weigh yourself at the same time every day, in the same situation, naked, before you eat and drink. However, you will have to emotionally detach yourself from the number you see if you're going to do this. Otherwise, the ups and downs can drive you nuts.

    For the average person, I would recommend weighing in once a week on the same day. For me, that's always Saturday morning.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,003 Member
    You should weigh in as often as you feel you should. I weigh in every day. I like to see the fluctuations and notice how my body responds to things like a heavy sodium day. It was different at first to get used to seeing the ups and downs and some people are really bothered by the fluctuations and prefer to weigh weekly, every two weeks or even monthly. It really is your personal preference. If I am up a little it encourages me to do better that day and if I'm down a little it makes me feel good. I use the happy scale app and log my weight every day to see the trend. I only input my weight in mfp when I have a new low because when it tells me I have lost x number of pounds I like to see it only going down and I want to see the total I have lost. There really is no right or wrong way to do it. You should always weight at the same time of day on the same scale to get the most consistent results. I always weight first thing in the morning after I pee in underwear or naked and before I eat or drink anything. But other than that it is up to you.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    the scale is a lie.
    I used a scale for years and years. obsessed over it.
    I threw it out.
    forget it.

    Take measurements and see how your clothes fit. The scale can go up and yet you will have lost weight and gained muscle. you will be discouraged because of a number when in fact you are doing fantastic. Better ways to measure your success.
  • louisehoneyman74
    Cheers guys - don't feel quite so paranoid now!!