Support in my struggle would be welcome

Not new here but new to this. A bad relationship and a bad back injury caused some serious body image and anxiety issues and I'm working to get healthier in every way. I know that support is so helpful and necessary especially when things seems impossible and so I'm hoping that I can find some here. I used to be in crazy good shape and then things happened and I completely disregarded myself. I have kids who I want to set a good example for and I would like to feel better and healthier. I am looking forward to getting to know people in similar situations and gel support each other to get to our goals.


  • verifiedvalerie
    verifiedvalerie Posts: 880 Member
    Hi coachcusto! Welcome! :) I can relate to your situation. For me, it was a couple back-to-back bad relationships and chronic pain after the birth of my 1st of 2. I too, was in great health at one point. It feels like a lifetime ago. There is a decade of my life that feels like its completely missing - I hate pictures, don't like getting done up and going out. I have struggled greatly with anxiety and depression and am still struggling. I was doing incredibly well about a year and a half ago, having lost over 50 lbs and more importantly feeling strong, finding confidence in myself and feeling amazing in being an active mother. Things were still crumbling around me at that time and I let it all get the best of me. I put back on apx 20 lbs since but the burden of all things seems to weigh much heavier on me than that.

    I am taking small steps to try and improve my lifestyle and health. The goal is to get to a point where I feel confident, strong and capable. Things that I have allowed to be stripped from me along my journey. I have little to no support from friends/family and feel like this may be the best place for me to reach out.

    If you feel like you need an encouraging word or a swift kick in the *kitten*, I am here for you.

  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm not new here, but I'm "new again". I refer to it as new again because I was an active member here about 5 yrs ago and lost 160 lbs! But then I lost all control. Not just with my eating and fitness that I was acing, but in life in general. I had started out at almost 350 lbs and worked diligently for a year and a half faithfully with my new lifestyle. I lost the weight and went from only being able to walk 2 driveways past my house (due to a bad knee) to doing 7-9 miles a day on the treadmill!
    As the years passed, I made some bad judgements in my personal life, which completely affected my self-esteem, my fitness, and my new healthy eating lifestyle. Gradually the pounds started adding back on. Before I knew it I was a pound and a half away from the big 300 mark again. I've spent the last 2-3 yrs feeling sorry for myself and beating myself up for letting myself go after what I'd worked so hard to achieve.
    My knee that hurt so bad before l lost all the weight the first time? Well, now it's completely shot. My orthopedic surgeon told me 2 weeks ago that it is bone on bone and there is nothing he can do for me. He told me that I need a total knee replacement regardless of losing the weight again! I was devastated. The first time around when my knees were so bad, losing the weight had made a huge difference. I was even up to jogging and very, very active. I decided right then and there that I WAS going to lose the weight again even if it didn't stop the knee pain. I guess I'm internally hoping that he was wrong and that as the pounds continue to come off, the pain will start to subside? Regardless, I don't want to have a knee replacement surgery at the weight I currently am.
    My biggest obstacle this time around is exercise. Walking/jogging has always been "my thing". I enjoy it, it's how I lost all my weight the first time. It's what I do. Now I can't. With my busted knee, every single step I take is painful. At night I lay in bed with pain keeping me awake. I'm well aware that I can lose weight without exercise, I just don't want to do it that way! Exercise made me feel wonderful! Physically and emotionally.
    I just joined the YMCA because they have a pool for water exercise and I'm prepared to work it as much as I possibly can. But, what else can I do? Does anyone have any ideas or recommendations for any other form of exercise that is easy on the knees?
    Anyway, thank you if you've managed to read this far!
  • furylabs
    furylabs Posts: 20 Member
    Hey coachcusto!

    I would be more than happy to be a motivational contact. Just give me a shout if you are interested. I am fairly new to this forum but I've been using MFP for 2 weeks now.

    Nice to meet you!