200 lbs to lose

Hello everyone I am a 59 year old 5'7" male and have 200 lbs to lose. I underwent a severe bout of depression and ate my way into this shape. I used to judge and make fun of the people on Extreme Weight Loss or My 600 Lb Life saying, "how can they let themselves get that way and now I'm one of them. I really don't know where start. I don't think eating right is going to overcome this. Exercise is out of the question. I can hardly make it from my car to the office. Appreciate any guidance and suggestions. I need help.


  • Unknown
    edited February 2016
    This content has been removed.
  • Floridaman789
    Floridaman789 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi Gerry welcome I just sent you a friend request have a nice evening.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi there ! I'm sorry you battled depression. Your in the right place now though. I'm going to tell you the most important thing to keep in mind during this process - weight loss comes down to calories. Calories in - calories out. If you eat less then you burn then you will lose weight. Calorie deficit - weight loss. Plenty of people here can't workout but still lose weight. Because it comes down to calories.
    Here's where it gets tricky - you must be really accurate to be sure your really eating at a caloric deficit.
    The place to start is getting yourself a food scale and learning how to weigh your foods. Learn how to log those entries here in grams. Use a food scale for solids and measuring cups for liquids. This is actually harder then it sounds at first until you get the hang of it. In time, it will only take up about 5 mins per day. But its a really good starting point.
    You can get your digital food scale from Walmart for @ 13 $. Its a great investment !
    After you get your scale and learn how to weigh everything then just start logging it all here. Mfp has a wonderful database with tons of entries. Try to use the verified or USDA ones as much as possible. Do not eyeball or guess portions. ( you need to be as accurate as possible to be sure your actually eating at a deficit )

    Remember- this is not a race! We did not get overweight over night so can not expect to get thin over night either ! Slow and steady wins the race !

    Find yourself some friends on here for support and join some groups that may interest you here.

    You do not have to go to extremes. You do not have to do paleo, low carb, vegan or whatever unless you want to. Do not fall for any weight loss scams like pills, shakes, wraps , multi level marketing junk and so on. It doesn't work and could be harmful . For weight loss, all that's needed is a calorie deficit. Eat the foods you want but learn portion control and moderation. Using your food scale daily will help teach you both moderation and portion control.
    All the tools needed for success are right here on mfp . you can do this! If I did it, anyone can !

    Best of luck to you !