Hello! I'm new here

Just found this app and I am sure this is going to be super helpful on my journey, so just wanted to say hi to every one!!! I've always got in to small diet plans that obviously never worked because I would go back to my bad habits but not anymore! I am tired and I am not going to give up this time! This is a life discipline that I am going to acquire.
A little bit about me... my name is Jackie I am 28 yrs old and I am a graphic designer, I hope I make some friends here to motivate, support and for tips as well.
Wish me luck guys! :)


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hi Jackie! This app is great. Add me if you need a friend!
  • battyg1313
    battyg1313 Posts: 176 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • This is a great app that has helped me lose weight. Feel free to add me.
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    Good luck with your goals! Your attitude is a great beginning to this journey :) Feel free to add me or message me if you need any help, support or motivation!
  • ADean3182
    ADean3182 Posts: 16 Member
    Awesome app, even better with friends to help ya! Feel free to add me if you want - I log in everyday.

    @thegreatcanook Awesome profile pic!!
  • Jackiegmz
    Jackiegmz Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you guys! I am still trying to figure out everything on this app so I think I know how to add friends now hhaha
  • samciruolo
    samciruolo Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • eds527
    eds527 Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats on starting this journey! You can add me!
  • MomKor
    MomKor Posts: 13 Member
    Hey there, so excited to shed my extra weight too, I will try and add you