Does anybody take Pristiq?

My doctor has started me on the anti-depressant 'Pristiq' and I've been taking it for about 5 days now, but ever since then the sight and thought on food most of the time (unless I'm super hungry) literally makes me want to vomit! I feel so nauseous just thinking about food and I just wanted to know if this is normal or not?
I'm also not pregnant BTW! haha ( I know for a fact)
The doctor said it would most likely help me lose weight rather than gain it (which happened with my previous medication) but I didn't realise it would make me just feel sick around food.
Like I eat, obviously, because otherwise I would starve. But I just feel so yucky inside. I'm going back to see the doctor in a month or so. But until then I just wanted to hear other peoples stories :)


  • Linda31354
    Linda31354 Posts: 6 Member
    I took that for a few weeks, same thing happens to me, 0 appetite. I stopped taking it because I just did not want to be on anti depressants. Did drop weight though.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    If you are having an issue with appetite bring it to your Doctor's attention and see if there is a different medication he can prescribe to you.
  • shantal_96
    shantal_96 Posts: 14 Member
    Linda31354 wrote: »
    I took that for a few weeks, same thing happens to me, 0 appetite. I stopped taking it because I just did not want to be on anti depressants. Did drop weight though.

    How much weight did you drop? Just curious
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Many of these side effects should subside in a week or two. If they are concerning (sounds like they might be) see your physician about them. It's not safe to suddenly stop taking them without supervision.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Talk to your pharmacy. Pharmacists are more helpful sometimes with side effects than the doctors.
    Most likely the side effects will fade in two weeks or so. If not, you can get back to the doctor about a different dose or a different medication.
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    I haven't taken Pristiq but I remember when I started on Lexapro I was super drowsy and nauseous for a week or so. Did your doc discuss possible side effects and how long the meds might take to even out? I remember I started to feel 'normal' again after a few weeks, I know that's common with SSRIs but not sure about SNRIs :)
  • emmaline101
    emmaline101 Posts: 13 Member
    I take it and I got the nausea thing at first. What worked for me (on my pharmacist's advice) was switching from taking it at night to in the morning. Not sure why, but it did the trick. Agree with the advice to see your doctor if you're unhappy with it and not just stop cold turkey. Good luck!