
Hello! My name is Amanda I currently weigh 268pounds and I'm 5'2ish! Which means there is a whole lot of weight for a short person! I continue to tell myself that I need to lose weight idealy I would like to weigh 150ish-180ish which is a big number gap but it that's neither here nor's a better number than my current one right? I know I need to lose weight for myself and my daughter I don't want to be that "fat mommy". Anyhow spam me with your tips and such please something has got to give and I know it starts with me! I have ALWAYS been a big girl and I'm tired of it!


  • amholden66
    amholden66 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Amanda, I'm Annie. Nice to meet you!
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    Hey Amanda welcome to MFP. I am sure you will get a ton of tips. I can give you a couple things that have worked for me. (I am down 35 pounds in 75ish days). I have pretty poor will power but desperation has driven me to make some changes. One change was to stop eating off of the 'roach coach" food truck that came to work 2x a day. Instead I started making my meals the night before. I emptied my wallet of bills and change to keep me from hitting the vending machine. I logged everyday and started seeing the poor calorie dense choices. I still eat the good stuff (well the good tasting) but in moderation. I bought a Wal-Mart recumbent bike and replaced my recliner with it. So when watching TV I knock out 30 minutes a day. I am amazed at what this has done for my back pain (gone). I know you can do it, anyone can if I can. if you have a bad day get right back on track the next. Good luck and feel free to add me (anyone can) I am a pretty good support system.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,028 Member
    It does start with you. The key is that you have to want to do it for yourself. And you can do it. It will be hard at times, but it will get easier. Did you plug your numbers into mfp and get a calorie goal? If you put in 2 pounds a week at your height it will most likely give you 1200 calories a day. It did for me and I'm 5' 4.75". I also have a desk job so I am sedentary. You should try setting small goals for yourself. I would either pick .5 or 1 pound a week. You may get a higher calorie goal that way. You don't have to exercise to lose weight, but it helps you to be more fit plus if you are at 1200 or 1300 calorie goal then you can earn some more calories by exercising. I currently have my calorie goal at 1300 but I eat back about 75% of my exercise calories and so I usually eat 1500-1600 calories a day. So far in 20 weeks I have lost 30 pounds which is about 1.5 per week. I would get a food scale if you don't already have one and start weighing all solid foods. You can measure liquids in cups. This will ensure that you are not eating more than you think. I would also make small goals for yourself so you don't get too overwhelmed by a large number. My first goal was just to weigh less than my husband. And my second goal was to get my bmi from obese to just overweight.

    You can do this! Just remember that it will take a while. The first week or two you might drop some weight quickly, but you should level out to losing 1-2 pounds per week. Don't get discouraged that it is taking too long. You probably took years to gain the weight and it won't come off overnight. But slow weight loss is healthy weight loss and you will be more likely to keep the weight off.