HCG Diet

I am just curios if anyone has tried the HCG diet and what you thought about it? Thanks!:wink:


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    You cant exercise during it, so what is the point? You dont get stronger or anything.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I'd log this under "fad diets" and they all produce SHORT term postive results, and usually most ppl gain the weight back. It has to be a lifestyle change and mindset change, not a diet..just my .2
  • Hopeinanguish
    Hopeinanguish Posts: 101 Member
    There are some people on this website who have done it, but I think it's awfully unhealthy and dangerous if you don't do it exactly the way the instructions say. I say go about it the old fashioned way. Yes, it will take more time, but the weight will be more likely to stay off and you can be proud, knowing you accomplished it without the help of some drug!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I wish I could remember the post exactly but I read this on another diet/fitness forum
    "Why not just cut off a limb? Fast weight loss, and less bad side effects"
  • KarieRod
    KarieRod Posts: 15
    I've known 2 ppl to have gotten the $500 shots (insurance didn't cover) 1st one lost the 20 lbs she needed, has gained back 15lbs in other places. 2nd one lost tremendous weight, re-did the shots to lose the rest. It's been about a yr now and she's down over 100 lbs. She looks great, but has developed a sense of entitlement that isn't so great. No, she doesn't exercise but she's also 50 something. She wants to be thin, not fit (if that makes any sense). As for me, got excited to see the transformations, but could not find the extra $500, so I looked into the drops. Being a diabetic, I was skeptical about the restrictive diet, but tried it anyways... diet and drops. Sure enough my body went through a phase of shaking and low blood sugars, kept at it cause this was a good change for my body, right? Didn't want to fail another diet. Come the 2nd month, I had a period that started on schedule (3-4 day average) then never ended until I stopped the drops. You're talking 2 wks later, I didn't catch on that they might be related. I'm so regular that both of my children were born on the 13th (of different yrs.) It took about another 2-3 months before I was back to normal. They say the drops were supposed to be an appetite suppressant, it didn't feel that way according to my stomach. Good luck and be careful, no toning means sagging skin.
  • quincy06
    quincy06 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input! I am just curious! I know two girls who are doing them and both have lost a tremendous amount of weight and look really good! I did not know you couldnt exercise while doing the HCG! Thanks!
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    I've lost 39lbs on it. After two weeks, my blood pressure was excellent. And the doctor took me off my meds of 11yrs. The whole thing is a process. The 500 cals is only the first phase. If you only do that and then go back to eating whatever, then you will gain. And the drops only cost 45.00 a month. Just my experience.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    There is a good reason why it is called a protocol and not a diet. It is a method of changes to eating and lifestyle that help maximize weight loss. I recognized that it isn't for everyone and, to be quite honest, I feel like it could possibly stress the body more as you approach a healthy weight. HOWEVER, those closer to a healthy weight don't generally lose weight at the rate of those of us who are heavier.

    I am in the 3rd week of maintenance/stabilizing after a 40 day round. I lost 31 pounds in 40 days and have had no problem controlling my weight and feeling satisfied. I am much more aware of what I put in my mouth and my portion size. I made changes to my overall health and diet.

    It wasn't always easy in the 40 days, but I learned to differentiate between hunger and cravings. If I was truly hungry, I ate more...I just ate more of the "allowed" foods. I was flexible with the protocol (again, because I am heavier I think that I can get away with it a bit) and never truly felt deprived. The decreasing numbers on the scale is a big motivator.

    I've never felt hungry or shaky or weak. My already great blood pressure got even better, my cholesterol dropped 23 points, and my sleep apnea improved so much that I had to have my CPAP adjusted to a lower pressure. My energy has been through the roof.

    It was because of the way that I felt when I was pregnant (fantastic) that I decided to try this protocol. I actually had no net weight gain. I lost 20 pounds during the first trimester...I was eating but lost all my cravings for carbs and sweets and only gained that 20 pounds back.

    I am sure that I did much more damage to my body when I was in my twenties with birth control pills (I had many problems) and partying than I will in a few weeks of a naturally occurring hormone (at lost levels) and eating a bunch of healthy food and drinking an insane amount of water.

    While I can appreciate skepticism, it doesn't warrant some of the nastiness that occurs around this subject. Anyone who goes back to their "old" ways will regain weight. Every method doesn't work for every person. Unfortunately, everyone seems to have an opinion whether they have personal experience or not.

    Good luck whatever you decide.
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    Well put!
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Ohhhh another thread of hcg bashing. LOL

    I am an exercise addict and it was nice for a break to tone it down. Actually increased pilates and yoga exercises, still did some weight training and encourages you to do light walking. You don't get saggy within a month. Thanks Klabeau and Amanda for your input.You ladies are MOTIVATION!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Seems slightly insane to me, but to each his/her own.