vitamins & supplements!

I had a MD tell me that if I eat the correct nurtints for my body eat Healthy & Exercise everyday for an hour or more...then I don't need to take vitamin supplements? is the right?


  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I think so. The problem is knowing if the fruits and veggies you are eating have all the vitamins that they should. I have heard that the soil is depleted in many areas, so fruits and veggies don't have as many vitamins in them as they use to. The longer produce sits on a shelf, the less vitamins it has too.

    To make sure your produce is full of vitamins, try to eat produce that isn't shipped far. Or eat organic as much as possible. And frozen veggies are a good choice because freezing them keeps them from deteriorating.
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    yes that is correct, but you should have your blood works done to see what the body is lacking and only take those supplements anyways, because taking too much is not healthy either.

    e.g. I had a severe Vitamin D and B12 sufficiency, got high doses of both, changed my diet and within 3 months after the next blood works was able to half my supplements, I am working on exercise now and hope that I can drop the supplements completely soon.
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    You really have to be vigilant about your diet if you don't. I always think, at minimum, a multi vitamin, an omega 3 and an anti-oxidant are good ideas to help cover any gaps. Good luck!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I take my vitamins and supplements even though I have changed my eating habits and exercise now. Most MD do not believe in natural healing.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    He's probably right BUT its very hard to get the exact nutrients you need every day. I eat healthy (lots of fruits and veggies) good proteins and I still find nutrients that I dont get the right amount of. I found this out last week when I thought I had injured my hamstring as it was very sore. Once I realized it wasnt a muscle pain but a muscle cramp I mentioned it to a trainer and he asked how my sodium and potassium was. I checked my sodium which I do every day and it has been in the middle of the range of 500-2300 but when I checked my potassium I was getting one third what I should be. Potassium goal is 3500/day. I was getting around 1000-1200 sometimes less sometimes a little more. this had been going on for the last 2 months!
    The cramping was caused by not enough potassium. I find it very hard to eat correctly and get the right amount of potassium and I have been monitoring it and eating high potassium foods. I still havent made it to 3000/day. I am taking a multi vitamin to get at least another 75 mg plus anything else i might be missing and not realizing.

    Believe me the muscle cramps are not fun as they have been keeping me awake. They are better now but not gone.

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  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    It's true for the most part, but often there can be gaps in one's diet. Multivitamins don't really have any side effects except for a small amount of people, so there's no harm in taking one.
  • mdc444
    mdc444 Posts: 2
    My Doctor told me the same thing.
  • Britt59
    Britt59 Posts: 25
    Thanks Everyone, I think its a good Idea to take some vitamin supplements because you never know what your low on unless you take blood test every week/month ...I have to take B=12 injections each month because I'm have Preneious Anmia, The sub-lingual tablets will not absorb in my blood stream...and thanks for the tip about the shelf life on veggies I never knew that...I steam my veggies and stop buy can veggies I will start going organic. Thanks Everyone!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I had a MD tell me that if I eat the correct nurtints for my body eat Healthy & Exercise everyday for an hour or more...then I don't need to take vitamin supplements? is the right?

    My doc gives this advice to many patients, but he also admits that he takes a multivitamin "just to be safe." And many individuals such as strenuous exercisers have higher needs than the average person. Age and gender also play a role in individual needs. And some people, like myself, have conditions (ulcerative colitis for me) that inhibit the proper absorption of nutrients so we must ingest more to get the same benefit. But mega doses are just wasteful. Bottom line, a good multivitamin is good for nearly everyone and perhaps some additional supplements (folic acid, etc.) based on age, gender, etc.