Busy Working Mom Struggling Badly to stick to healthy eating/working out! Help!

I'm a 35 year old mom of 8 year old twins and a 4.5 month old. My husband (who is awesome) is going back to school for a nursing degree, and I'm the income for our household. I just recently went back to work 3 weeks ago after a 4 month maternity leave where I was working part-time from home the whole time (I'm the only admin person on our statewide grant so this kept the grant from falling apart, and also bought me another month at home). I'm very lucky to have been granted the ability to work from home on Tues/Thurs. when my hubby is in class so we don't have to get outside childcare.

Life is such a balancing act right now, though...working from home, I'm bouncing between the baby, the older two/homework when they get home and work. On M/W/F I'm working 10 hour days to maximize my time in the office, pumping milk and coming home to help out however I can. Baby is still not sleeping through the night, and is actually going through a rough patch that has me up almost every 2 hours on the dot. So I'm basically pooped all the time. I used to work out after all the kids went to bed or very early in the morning, but now I find myself with the choice of hitting the treadmill, or trying to catch some extra sleep...sleep has been winning. I start out a week with the best of intentions for eating well, but usually end up off the wagon by the weekend.

Any words of wisdom? I've never struggled so much to stick to a healthy plan, and I have a good 50 lbs I could stand to lose. I love my FitBit (even though it is constantly reminding me how crappy/little sleep I'm getting), and my goal as of today is to log everything into MFP, trying to stay with good choices, and try and hit the 10,000 steps a day, even if it's just from walking around the house...just get up and MOVE.


  • fromnebraska
    fromnebraska Posts: 153 Member
    Maybe focus on losing weight through diet changes rather than exercise? I like to spend a few hours every week doing meal prep and have meals/snacks ready to go in the freezer and fridge. If you're really wanting to exercise, maybe a quick body weight strength routine would be helpful? You can find some good videos on YouTube.
  • The_Weaze
    The_Weaze Posts: 511 Member
    For now sleep and making food choices that are in line with your goals should be priorities IMO. The exercise will fall into place once baby gets through the 4 months sleep regression and you hit your stride again.

    I either wake up early and workout or do it after they go to bed (I prefer the early morning)...I figure I'm going to be tired either way so might as well just do it! On days I can't I try to really focus on nutrition even more.
  • MABMomma
    MABMomma Posts: 36 Member
    I'm a 26 year old mom with a 4 year old & my goal is to also lose 50 lbs. My life isn't NEARLY as hectic as yours but, as moms, we all struggle.

    First things first, clean up your diet. Eating a balanced diet is going to provide you with more energy. Also, if you have to pick between the treadmill & sleeping it shouldn't weigh as heavy on you mentally if you pick sleep because you know you're putting nutritious food in your body. I always carry some sort of food in my bag or car so I'm never tempted to eat badly. Try to remember that it's about your caloric deficit; exercise leaves you with a bigger deficit so you can feel free to eat a little more on certain days.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Set a goal to workout for 30 minutes one day this week. Next week make it two days. Most of the time I get my boy involved. He has his own set of 2 lb dumbbells & he likes to act as my trainer.
  • chrystenfo
    chrystenfo Posts: 35 Member
    My kids are 6 and 2. And the 2 year old... he was not a sleeper. I was so stressed that first year. I wanted to lose weight, I had a fairly new job, got the job just before getting pregnant, my husband started his job 2 weeks before we had my little guy.

    The moral to this story. Take care of you. Sleep when you need it. Eat foods that make you feel good. I know that easy drive through window when I'm exhausted seems so perfect, but then I feel bad after. So eat foods that make you feel good. And most importantly, take care of you.

    It is only looking back that I realize how much pressure I had on myself to lose the weight, but I couldn't make the time. And now, that's ok. My little guy is two and life is so much easier. He sleeps all night. I can workout in the evening after we put the boys to bed. Mornings are tough because he wakes up early, but that's ok, I know have the freedom to schedule around it.

    It will get better, and easier. Remember to breathe... and to sleep.
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    I can relate! I am a mom of 11 year old twins and work 2 jobs. I struggle sticking with it too! I think once I see results it is easier for me to keep going. Tracking has worked for me, as long as I track. Having friends on here has helped also.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    As others have said focus in on your nutrition, especially while still breast feeding. Right now you need sleep more than the workout. Just to stay toned and get some exercise in you may want to find some mommy and baby exercises on the internet that you can do with the baby.
  • PurpleOrchid531
    PurpleOrchid531 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm a working mom of two and even though mine are a bit older than yours, I struggle with trying to balance everything. I try to meal plan and that takes a bit of the pressure off because then I'm not tempted to grab something quick and it makes planning my week a bit easier. I'm trying to buy healthier snacks so that it's easy to have something nutritious instead of reaching for the bag of chips.

    Like others have said, maybe focus on the food first, then the exercise. Don't be too hard on yourself. You have a lot going on, and don't beat yourself up if you mess up one day. This is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

    There's also a lot of us in the same boat so hopefully knowing you're not alone will help too.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    JayBet98 wrote: »
    I'm a 35 year old mom of 8 year old twins and a 4.5 month old. My husband (who is awesome) is going back to school for a nursing degree, and I'm the income for our household. I just recently went back to work 3 weeks ago after a 4 month maternity leave where I was working part-time from home the whole time (I'm the only admin person on our statewide grant so this kept the grant from falling apart, and also bought me another month at home). I'm very lucky to have been granted the ability to work from home on Tues/Thurs. when my hubby is in class so we don't have to get outside childcare.

    Life is such a balancing act right now, though...working from home, I'm bouncing between the baby, the older two/homework when they get home and work. On M/W/F I'm working 10 hour days to maximize my time in the office, pumping milk and coming home to help out however I can. Baby is still not sleeping through the night, and is actually going through a rough patch that has me up almost every 2 hours on the dot. So I'm basically pooped all the time. I used to work out after all the kids went to bed or very early in the morning, but now I find myself with the choice of hitting the treadmill, or trying to catch some extra sleep...sleep has been winning. I start out a week with the best of intentions for eating well, but usually end up off the wagon by the weekend.

    Any words of wisdom? I've never struggled so much to stick to a healthy plan, and I have a good 50 lbs I could stand to lose. I love my FitBit (even though it is constantly reminding me how crappy/little sleep I'm getting), and my goal as of today is to log everything into MFP, trying to stay with good choices, and try and hit the 10,000 steps a day, even if it's just from walking around the house...just get up and MOVE.

    Focus on eating as healthy as you can (to have some energy), limit calories to a reasonable number (do not set any the max 2 lbs per week loss goal at this stage) and continue catching up on sleep whenever you can, it is far more important than adding exercise. Be patient, until your baby lets you get some sleep, exercise can wait.
  • mabinethin
    mabinethin Posts: 93 Member
    I would focus on eating healthy like other have said .... are you able to walk on your lunch break??? that has helped me a lot.
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    I am also a twin mom - my boys are almost 7, but I don't have an infant.

    I agree with the others - focus on getting rest and eating better. I found logging easier when I pre-logged. Even if it means eating a lot of the same foods for breakfast and lunch every day so I can just copy them over. Get lots of protein to help you keep full. Walk when you can, but cut yourself some slack and just try to get rest. If you are well rested that will help you not give in to bad eating habits. Don't starve yourself, for the same reason. Just set a reasonable deficit that you can live with without starving.
  • bramble345
    bramble345 Posts: 50 Member
    Sleep whenever you can. Until babies learn to sleep properly you're in survival mode, just grab it at every opportunity

    Plan the weeks meals ahead, including all pack ups, then shop to the list. Its a sod to find time to sit down and do but so good not to have to think about it for the rest of the week. I have to plan variations or different meals for the kids as they need much more energy dense stuff than me.

    Cook extra whenever you do stews, pasta's etc. Stick the extra in the freezer all portioned up and that's another meal straight on your plan for next week.

    I'm struggling every day to make healthier choices, the more I plan the easier/less impossible it gets. Good luck
  • JennAngel001
    JennAngel001 Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2016
    I feel for you! My only advice would be make sure you have lots of healthy snacks available. Seems like time to exercise would be the hardest to come by (time always is when you are a mom). Also, you need the extra calories if you are pumping (you don't want to get worn out). Always have apples by you. Apples with honey and cinnamon, apples with peanut butter (I prefer almond butter). Skinny pop sells 100 calorie mini bags. I keep them in my drawer. Stress makes me eat so I have to make sure I have healthy options and you will eat less at meals if you snack in between. Hope it helps.

    I had done great being a stay at home mom with my fitness and diet, then I came back to work and gained 15 lbs over the last 2 years. I'm starting all over!
  • jacklifts
    jacklifts Posts: 396 Member
    you might consider batch cooking a large amount of chicken, soups, rice, oatmeal, potatoes, etc. That way you can just eat what's available instead of having to hunt down food or eating what's around. Then you can streamline your meals, so you know how much you're eating. I would probably just start by eating at a maintenance level to decrease your overall stress...that'll help you get in stride.

    Definitely sleep >>> exercise at this point. Our baby didn't sleep through the night until 2yo - it was painful.
  • MindfulNat
    MindfulNat Posts: 83 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 (5,3 and 11 months) and also recently went back to work full time. It is truly a struggle! I was running 3x a week before going back to work and was so good with nutrition. Now I'm tired, stressed out and can't seem to find time for anything. Give yourself a break!! One thing at a time!! And yes sleep comes first ! Feel free to add me so we can motivate each other!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Food, sleep, and a healthy sense of 'this too shall pass.'
    Have you considered a jr or sr high 'mothers helper'? They could come in for 2-3 hours after school & help you out without being a formal babysitter. Good for a kid looking for a small first job & also good for you.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Also, 8 year olds will do almost anything for a teen!
  • JayBet98
    JayBet98 Posts: 10 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    Food, sleep, and a healthy sense of 'this too shall pass.'
    Have you considered a jr or sr high 'mothers helper'? They could come in for 2-3 hours after school & help you out without being a formal babysitter. Good for a kid looking for a small first job & also good for you.

    I have thought of this, but our family budget is kind of stretched to the limit at the moment...That's the main reason I'm working from home 2 days/week--so we don't have to pay for child care while my husband is in class...we will have to go this route in about 6 months though when his class load picks up!
  • JayBet98
    JayBet98 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow, thank you ALL so much for taking the time to reply. I think I just realized I may have been looking for "permission" to choose sleep over a workout. I am constantly having to remind myself that I may have to make adjustments, and that I'm no longer the 27 year old that can get up at 4 am to hit the treadmill while the babies sleep. Also can't do any radical calorie/carb deficits like I did when the twins were babies because I wasn't still breastfeeding at this point like I am now. Slow and steady, small changes. I'll keep parking far away, going to the far away bathroom and putting the munchkin in the stroller for a walk around the block WHEN I CAN! Thank you all again!
  • JennAngel001
    JennAngel001 Posts: 10 Member
    I think the hardest thing with getting fit/healthy is patience. My goal is 1-2 lbs a week. I've been hitting it but it's still super hard because results aren't so obvious.

    Sleep will help you so much in the long run. ;)