Need some friends on Jawbone Up!



  • Mystymontes
    Mystymontes Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also adding people! Please feel free to add me. My name is Misty Montes. I'd love to start some duels. It really helps to keep me motivated :)
  • samantha2127
    samantha2127 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey guys! You can add me too I just got my dusty up24 charged up. is my email.
  • moshintomato
    moshintomato Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi, I'm also looking for friends to duel on jawbone! Brie Huxoll is the name on there.
  • Hmonie
    Hmonie Posts: 13 Member
    Add me too! Harmonie Foster
  • ryanruzz
    ryanruzz Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Guys Based on topic I have just added you. Feel free to add me too! Ryan Russell
  • natttik
    natttik Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I have previously used UP, but became unmotivated and stopped tracking myself. Its time for me to restart! I added you guys. My name is Nat A, feel free to add me!
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    edited September 2016
    Why oh why does this app only post half of what I type?? So annoying. Long story short: I move my arms approx 1500 "steps" during a massage and my feet about 50 steps.
    I am a new user of Jawbone and was wondering how many of my steps as a nurse might actually be bed side movements. That being said, shouldn't we still be getting activity credit? That sounds like sarcasm, but I'm being serious, does it count as my active burn?

    I missed this in January, sorry! I totally think we should get some activity credit. But the way I am looking at it, the smaller muscles of my arms/pecs are burning far fewer calories than my larger quads/glutes/hamstrings so I just work hard to get my step goals in outside of work. It is sad when I can be "at work" for 7 hours and my tracker says I have 1500 steps. Then I have to go home and find energy to keep moving for another 3-5miles.

    Eta: I typically stuff my tracker into my sock at work because my hands and wrists have to be free for work, so I do get a true step count. I just wore it throuh one client as an experiment.
  • kimlt
    kimlt Posts: 1 Member
    I know this thread is a little old and hasn't had much recent activity, but I just sent all of you above a jawbone UP follow request. I use mine pretty regularly, but it would be fun to have more motivation and support and to know others are working at this also. My jawbone is Kim Tecca.
  • ajlubana
    ajlubana Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me Aj Singh
  • Add me on jawbone UP. Andrew Price.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    I'm new to Jawbone, but I love it already! I'm Christina Halverson. :)
  • dragon182010
    dragon182010 Posts: 1 Member
    add me, i have a tattoo of birds across my collarbone: Irial Saor
  • luckyprincessuk
    luckyprincessuk Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm looking for friends on jawbone too
    Sarah Larkin....same pic as my profile pic