Discipline Behaviors Needed

Hi All! Have lost 70 lbs before and Gained 40 of those back... Stuck and need support


  • hheather1427
    hheather1427 Posts: 3 Member
    I believe in you. My advice would be stuck to what worked the first time you will get there
  • getsweaty123go
    getsweaty123go Posts: 53 Member
    As heather said above you can do it! Do what you know works for you and keep yourself motivated by getting good support. When I need inspiration to get to the gym I look at my pinterest account or watch youtube videos of workouts and that usually gets me up and going! Remember its not so much about the numbers as it is changing the inside. You are still 30lb down so look at it that way! Everyone on their journey gains some back along the way and then loses again. It is part of the learning/changing process.
    Also the success stories on the forum here are really good :-)
  • ErinR82
    ErinR82 Posts: 50 Member
    You can definitely do it!! You did it before! You know what works for you... you already proved that to yourself when you lost 70. :) It's a process... you're still down 30! Start right now and do just what you did to lose it before... you'll do it again!