50lbs in 100 days? Realistic?

I am wanting to set a realistic goal for the next 100 days. I thought maybe 50 would be realistic, but not really sure so was wanting some honest feedback. Would 35 or 40 be a better goal?

What I do not want to do is set myself up for failure, and give in b/c I don't see the weight drop.

Here are a few things I am doing to help reach my goals;
1- using the 21 day fix beach body diet to measure and portion control my meals
2-tracking my food in a journal online and in a notebook offline (throughout the day write down everything I eat and update MFP at night for the total calorie count .. so far, stayed under both days by portioning my meals using the 21 DF)
3-going to start the 21 day fix work outs which would be 30 min work outs daily, also this weekend will be picking up an exercise bike for extra cardio -- committing to 3 days a week 30 min work outs to start off
4- eating clean; lots of veggies, minimal carbs, high protein etc.

My diary is open if you'd like to take a look at the last 2 days since I restarted.

ALso looking for friends as I restarted my account and lost all contacts.

Anyone that can offer some friendly advice, I am all ears!


  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    2 pounds a week is realistic for the obese. A pound every other day would involve hours a day of cardio and burn out most people in weeks or days.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    edited February 2016
    A healthy rate of loss is 2 lbs/week. That would come out to be 28/29 lbs in 100 days/14 weeks. You may see a larger initial loss, but that will slow down. I would not consider 50 lbs in 100 days realistic or healthy. To be honest, times goals are bunk and only lead to failure. You're better off just ditching the timeline and doing what you can week by week. Also, think about investing in a food scale and weighing your food. It's the most accurate way to portion your food and will ensure accurate logging/calorie intake.
  • TorontoDiane
    TorontoDiane Posts: 1,413 Member
    that is way too much weight to lose in that short period of time.. read up about gallstones.. and you don't want to drop weight that fast
  • CherylS88
    CherylS88 Posts: 7 Member
    So, 30 lbs would be way more realistic of a goal?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    CherylS88 wrote: »
    So, 30 lbs would be way more realistic of a goal?

    Yes. But don't get hung up on the numbers. Weight loss isn't linear.
  • CherylS88
    CherylS88 Posts: 7 Member
    thank you all .. i was looking at food scales today so i may stop tomorrow and buy one too. I will push for the 30 lbs .. i want to be realistic about this, and as i was setting my goals i thought it may be too high but didn't want to undercut myself either (if that makes sense)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited February 2016
    Not realistic, not safe.

    100 days=14 weeks, 14x2=28, so yes, 30 pounds within the realm of what is possible and safe. You aren't likely to lose weight that regularly or that fast though. How are you going to feel if you do not reach that goal?
  • GreyKnight120
    GreyKnight120 Posts: 60 Member
    You're talking about losing 3.5 lbs. per week, which may possible depending on your weight, but it may not be practical or sustainable. I would not advise this unless your weight is upwards of 350-400 lbs. Someone once told me that losing greater than 1% overall body weight per week is unhealthy (I'm sure there may be exceptions and I don't claim to be an expert), but even that may be difficult in terms of sustainability for some folks.

    You should do what works best for the long term. I have tried to be very careful about setting time-dependent goals in my own weight loss plans. The important thing is getting there, not necessarily getting there quickly. You should do what will keep you doing it - even if that means aiming to lose less than 1 lb. per week.
  • MudstainSally
    MudstainSally Posts: 571 Member
    Hey Cheryl,

    I wish you all the best in your success, but losing 100 or 50 pounds or even 35 in 100 days in not a realistic goal. Not a healthy goal. 100 days is a little over 14 weeks. The most aggressive stats would put you at 28 pounds. And maybe that 21 day fix will be a great jump start for you, but is it something you can sustain? Try and find something that you can do today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.

    Hope this helps and isn't too down, either way I'm cheering for you!
  • niamibunni
    niamibunni Posts: 110 Member
    Check out @meowmeix on instagram for some visual 21 Day Fix meal prep motivation. Prepping stuff you cook yourself will chisel down the sodium numbers. My sodium intake was insane until I started making everything myself. It takes time and can't be done overnight, but it is possible and her stuff really motivates me :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    More important than how much you lose in these first 100 days is how strongly you build in the better habits of accurate logging and weighing, managing portion control, your exercise, etc. This was my focus when I started, so that eventually I did these things as second nature, reducing the chance of bad days or falling off entirely.
  • YaGirlMaddi
    YaGirlMaddi Posts: 88 Member
    I lost 6 pounds my first week of diet and exercise (I ate about 1000-1100 cal a day). Try setting small goals first.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    I lost 6 pounds my first week of diet and exercise (I ate about 1000-1100 cal a day). Try setting small goals first.

    Most people will experience a "woosh" in the first week or so, as it tends to be water weight. It won't stay consistent, and would not be healthy if it did.
  • EllenFlickner
    EllenFlickner Posts: 32 Member
    edited February 2016
    A healthy weight loss amount depending on amount of exercise and not cutting calories (I take in between 1300 to 1500 daily) too severe it should be between 1 lb to 2 lbs a week for a safe realistic goal at least in my opinion. I have set small 5 weeks goals for myself with the minim being at the 1 lb mark and the max mark being at the 2 lbs, and as long as I fall within range I consider myself at meeting my goals. I three weeks to goal for my first goal and I am already close to the max range I set for myself and I am confident that I will fall within range. I am not expert and fairly new on this journey myself, but I used the goal setting of this site to help me set my goals and it even informed me of my recommended calorie intake.
  • CherylS88
    CherylS88 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all for your great feedback. I am going to set it for 30 lbs so I feel it is more realistic.

    To answer some of the questions;

    1- with the 21 df I feel that it is something I can keep doing because it is all around portion control and clean eating. I have been prepping my meals and just using the containers that comes with the program as the measuring cups - also it has ways you can treat yourself and if you look at my diary you can see that I have been eating pretty flexible - about 1200-1400 calories a day -- the program encourages not to eat from the containers so you know what a true portion looks like etc.

    2-i do weigh 338lbs currently, someone said 30 lbs may not be realistic unless I weighed 350-400lbs so sadly I am close to that :(

    3- if I don't reach the 30 .. as long as I know it is because I truly stuck to it i hope i will be ok with it ... i don't want to push myself and kick myself down for not hitting the goal but i want to set a real goal to strive to achieve so i think the 30 maybe be better.
  • TammerTammer
    TammerTammer Posts: 25 Member
    that is way too much weight to lose in that short period of time.. read up about gallstones.. and you don't want to drop weight that fast

    I can testify to this, I lost 60 lbs in 3 months. Won a bed in the hospital and almost died. Seriously, it's just not worth it. It was my gallbladder. Stones got into my pancreas and doctor "nicked" my liver during surgery.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    25-30 would be healthy
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    CherylS88 wrote: »
    Thank you all for your great feedback. I am going to set it for 30 lbs so I feel it is more realistic.

    To answer some of the questions;

    1- with the 21 df I feel that it is something I can keep doing because it is all around portion control and clean eating. I have been prepping my meals and just using the containers that comes with the program as the measuring cups - also it has ways you can treat yourself and if you look at my diary you can see that I have been eating pretty flexible - about 1200-1400 calories a day -- the program encourages not to eat from the containers so you know what a true portion looks like etc.

    2-i do weigh 338lbs currently, someone said 30 lbs may not be realistic unless I weighed 350-400lbs so sadly I am close to that :(

    3- if I don't reach the 30 .. as long as I know it is because I truly stuck to it i hope i will be ok with it ... i don't want to push myself and kick myself down for not hitting the goal but i want to set a real goal to strive to achieve so i think the 30 maybe be better.

    Congratulations for lowering your expectations. That is healthy.
    My suggestion is to buy yourself a food scale and weigh all of your food and log it at MFP. If you eat at a deficit (calories burned higher than calories ingested), you will lose body weight.
    Use the containers for food packaging, not to measure food. They are imprecise and they will cause you to overeat your calories.
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    CherylS88 wrote: »
    Thank you all for your great feedback. I am going to set it for 30 lbs so I feel it is more realistic.

    To answer some of the questions;

    1- with the 21 df I feel that it is something I can keep doing because it is all around portion control and clean eating. I have been prepping my meals and just using the containers that comes with the program as the measuring cups - also it has ways you can treat yourself and if you look at my diary you can see that I have been eating pretty flexible - about 1200-1400 calories a day -- the program encourages not to eat from the containers so you know what a true portion looks like etc.

    2-i do weigh 338lbs currently, someone said 30 lbs may not be realistic unless I weighed 350-400lbs so sadly I am close to that :(

    3- if I don't reach the 30 .. as long as I know it is because I truly stuck to it i hope i will be ok with it ... i don't want to push myself and kick myself down for not hitting the goal but i want to set a real goal to strive to achieve so i think the 30 maybe be better.

    Congratulations for lowering your expectations. That is healthy.
    My suggestion is to buy yourself a food scale and weigh all of your food and log it at MFP. If you eat at a deficit (calories burned higher than calories ingested), you will lose body weight.
    Use the containers for food packaging, not to measure food. They are imprecise and they will cause you to overeat your calories.
    Good luck in your healthy journey

    ^^ This. I would actually suggest prelogging your food for the day, rather than logging at the end of it like you mentioned in an earlier post. It gives you more of an idea about what you can eat, rather than the chance of a shock at the end of the day.

    The other thing I'd like to ask is, why only 1200-1400Cals a day at your current weight? I don't know how tall you are, but eating that amount is much more than 1000Cals below your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) which would be around 2700Cals a day if you're sedentary (I just assumed you're 5'5 for a reference point). When I first started I was around your current weight, and started with about 1800Cals and slowly dropped them as I lost (then increased them as my exercise increased). The weight still dropped pretty quickly at the 1kg/2lb a week rate for a quite a while, and it kept my energy levels up whilst I did so.

    Best of luck! We're all cheering for you.