Looking for mom friends!



  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    If anyone is currently stalking my diary. Please do not consider me purposefully starving myself. I have been on the sofa with the flu for a week. It is awful and I am hungry (just can't keep it down) Check back a while ago and you will see more realistic diary entries.
    I feel for anyone out there suffering with the flu and children with the flu. Sometimes I don't know how us moms really cope (I have two sick kids cannot imagine seven .)
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Cheriels82 wrote: »
    If anyone is currently stalking my diary. Please do not consider me purposefully starving myself. I have been on the sofa with the flu for a week. It is awful and I am hungry (just can't keep it down) Check back a while ago and you will see more realistic diary entries.
    I feel for anyone out there suffering with the flu and children with the flu. Sometimes I don't know how us moms really cope (I have two sick kids cannot imagine seven .)

    We all had it last year. I'm so sorry. It was horrible and lingered for weeks. Right at Christmas. Get better!!!

  • mblaett
    mblaett Posts: 2 Member
    Mom of 2 (13 month boy and 3 yr old girl). Both came by c-section and then found out half my thyroid needed to be removed in December. So three surgeries in three years. The thyroid issue encouraged me to get my diet and life style back on track. Since mid-November I went from 162 to 148. I spend a fair amount of time on the weekend doing food prep and am obsessed with my crock pot.
  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm a new mom hoping to lose 40lbs of pregnancy weight. My son is just a month old. :smile:
  • darken6
    darken6 Posts: 56 Member
    Added you both! @mblaett, I see you're in SC... Me too! :)
  • Katie_Y89
    Katie_Y89 Posts: 330 Member
    Hi ladies!!
    Feel free to add me!
    I'm 26 and a mom of a 14 month old girl. Alsoba full time stay at home mom.

    After 14 months I've barely lost any baby wt so that's why im here
  • katlang3818
    katlang3818 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm 34, have three kids from 8-13. I work full time and am enjoying being a single parent. I've been on mfp after a bit of a wake up call last summer when I realized how my shape (of my body and fitness level) was interfering with the fun my kids can have. I have always been overweight, and I had never really been all that motivated to deal with it. On the one hand, I never wanted my daughters to see me sweat over a scale or societal perceptions of beauty. On the other hand, I probably shouldn't eat all my feelings, either. They give me heartburn!

    I'm around 40 lbs into the endeavor and still have a ways to go. I'll know when I get there. It isn't about a number for me - it's about chasing my son up a sand dune and not wanting to throw up. It would be nice to get to let him win instead of honestly losing!

    Hit me up!
  • jamie_teresa
    jamie_teresa Posts: 20 Member
    Hey Everyone! I'm a first time mom; my son was born in November. Feel free to add me. I have 25lbs to lose and am looking for support from other mamas.
  • sceleratis
    sceleratis Posts: 89 Member
    Mom to a 2 year old here! Looking for friends as well. I've lost 60 pounds over the last two years and am currently working on building muscle, so I count to make sure I eat enough to reach my goal for lifting. Would love to meet/friend some like minded ladies at any point in their journey. Add me, please!
  • marinka171
    marinka171 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm sahm mom of 6 ages 9-2(including twins 2yerolds). I'm the heaviest I been and need to lose 60 lb so I have long way to go but I can do it. Add me if you like.
  • mblaett
    mblaett Posts: 2 Member
    Yep live in the upstate area.
  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    edited February 2016
    Feel free to add me - any of you mommas!
    I'm a stay at home mommy to my 9 month old and my three step kids. I log everything, every day except water but am Currently bfing as well so I don't weigh my foods at all. I just measure or guess mostly (don't want to get too crazy with weighing and mess up my supply) and have been losing steadily for 6 months. I literally do not restrict anything from my diet - just stay within my calories for the day so you'll see everything from salad to cupcakes. I work out five days a week in my living room and horse back ride one day a week. 12 more lbs to my original goal weight, but who knows if I'll stop there!
  • 19moto87
    19moto87 Posts: 5 Member
    Please, add me as well! I'm a 29 year old mom of 2 boys. Ages 6 and 17 months. I'm working on a major weight loss plan! I need more mom friends. Lol
  • candice293
    candice293 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ladies! Feel free to add me. I'm a stay at home 25 year old mom to an almost two year old! :)
  • ChaosLove
    ChaosLove Posts: 3 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me too, please! I'm a first time mom to a beautiful 6.5 month old girl. Having trouble losing my pregnancy weight.
  • hngb
    hngb Posts: 4 Member
    Add please :)
  • Sophhood
    Sophhood Posts: 3 Member
    Sahm mom of 3, ages 5, 3, and 5 months. Nursing as well and love my coffee with sugary creamer. I love getting outside and walking for exercise but it's getting harder as my older kids have outgrown stroller size.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I have 5 kids ages 16 months to 17.5 years old. I am 37 and have lost almost 60 pounds. I need to lose 25 more. I weighed 175.4 last Sunday. I weigh in again tomorrow morning. I weigh weekly.
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    Hello! I'm a well-seasoned mom lol
  • lisa9805
    lisa9805 Posts: 303 Member
    I added the OP but anyone feel free to add me as well. I'm a 36yr old mom of two (11 and 17). i work full time and have finally started taking some time for myself. i joined a gym too. i have hit a hiccup which u can see from my diary as my mom has some health issues and the stress of that added onto daily stress didn't work well. i am trying back on the plan just haven't had a chance to go to the gym.