In dire need of motivation

I've really hit rock bottom with my weight & my self esteem. I'm at the highest I've ever been & I currently see no way out of this mess. I'm reaching out to the community on here because I truly feel desperate. I've heard so many success stories & I'm amazed every time but I just can't seem to find that within myself to just DO IT. I need your support, any tips, advice would be much appreciated


  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    You just have to do it.

    You don't have to do it all at one time or be perfect. But you just have to start making good choices and decisions about your food and exercise. My advice is to set you calories to .5-1 pounds per week unless you have more than 35 pounds to lose and find an activity you enjoy.
  • peralesmary
    peralesmary Posts: 13 Member
    Check out Fitgirls guide. It's easy, affordable & the support of the community is amazing. You can check them out on Instagram.
  • Illusent
    Illusent Posts: 228 Member
    I've been there before… many times. The best part about it, it's all mental. That's the biggest challenge. Once you've made up your mind that you're gonna do it, you just do it! Then once you start seeing results, you'll want to continue! You're gonna do great!
  • jayheyjay
    jayheyjay Posts: 16 Member
    I know what you mean. So many times before I wanted to get fit and healthy, started and then just got real lazy, ordered takeaway and thought... bugger it and crap food tastes better anyway!

    But since just before Christmas I decided to give it another go and instead of trying to make every inch of my lifestyle healthy I just cut down a lot of the crap. I still have a crappy day now and again and I still do have my treats. I couldn't limit myself to munching on a celery stick every day for the rest of my life. I find it's all about moderation.

    I joined a gym and although I look like a headless chicken when I run on the treadmill, I actually started to enjoy it.
    You just have to try different things and find out what's best for you.

    If I ever lose motivation, I usually put my headphones in, listen to some upbeat music, and just do some research about different exercises or good foods you can eat.

    Best of luck x
  • Tmommie3
    Tmommie3 Posts: 4 Member
    pray pray can do it..........speak it believe it! Start with a small goal of 5 to 10 pounds and go from there......remember it's 80% eating and %20 working out
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    You don't need motivation.

    You need to take action, even if it is smallest action, rather than talking about it.

    Starting can truly be the hardest thing but once you get some momentum going it gets easier.

    So begin.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Why or what in your life is preventing you from "finding it from within yourself to JUST DO IT".. What is it that is holding you back?

    I would start with this question first. You have to have a starting point and I think getting this answer first is most important or you will not move forward with forming a plan, then starting that plan, etc..
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    It can be done! For myself, I am just getting back on this ride after being away 2 years, or just about. I figured, I needed routine, stability for this to work. The hunt, preparation, and consumption of "clean, healthy food" was all too consuming and it made me feel disillusioned. Which, of course, is a vicious cycle since, if you aren't eating healthy, sometimes the mind and motivation will slip about whether you need to workout or not and that dries up as well and then, you are back in a rut. But it can be done, but if you fall off the path, you can stand up on it again.
  • anjell71
    anjell71 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm with ya. I've lost my motivation too and gained 30 lbs. I can't seem to stop eating when I'm not hungry.
  • Rudenurse88
    Rudenurse88 Posts: 22 Member
    To piggy back off what others are saying. Don't overwhelm yourself with trying to change all at once. For instance if you each McDonald's everyday try eating it MWF or just on weekends. You don't have to join a gym straight away but walking 25 minutes a day has shown to have many health benefits. At first it may be hard to get moving but schedule it. Once you do something for any amount of time it becomes habit. Then progress from there. Remember progress not perfection.
  • sceleratis
    sceleratis Posts: 89 Member
    edited February 2016
    Similar to what someone else said, you don't need motivation. You need to make a decision. You are always the one who decides what goes into your body and whether or not you exercise. So decide. Start today. Right now. Make a decision.
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »

    A quote from the article Liz linked:
    We do not need motivation. We need decision.

    I really believe this. My motivation is NOT consistent. If I wait for it, days and weeks will go by without action. I think motivation is overrated most of the time. When I am wanting to eat too much its discipline that stops me. I exercise because I have to not because I am motivated.

    There's never a perfect time to start except now. Time will pass by whether you are working towards your goals or not.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    Another thing I have heard is that motivation is a result of action. Just do something and you may start to feel more motivated, but waiting for motivation to take action is getting things backward.
    I don't always get motivated by doing something, but it can certainly help. Lack of motivation seems to be an easy excuse for inaction. Reading the success stories here you read people say over and over it is about making new habits and just doing it.
  • _EPIC_
    _EPIC_ Posts: 611 Member
    edited February 2016

    Get one of these, look into it every day, and tell the person in it, that they can do it.
  • fitdaisygrrl
    fitdaisygrrl Posts: 139 Member
    I've really hit rock bottom with my weight & my self esteem. I'm at the highest I've ever been & I currently see no way out of this mess. I'm reaching out to the community on here because I truly feel desperate. I've heard so many success stories & I'm amazed every time but I just can't seem to find that within myself to just DO IT. I need your support, any tips, advice would be much appreciated

    I like to think of the phrase "fake it 'til I make it" when I'm feeling unmotivated. Maybe it's just a bad day or I'm really starting to feel like "who cares if I'm fat, it's so much easier" or whatever it is that's the opposite of "yea! I feel great and can do this!"- I just track. I may not want to track. I may know that I went over my daily calories and it's only noon- but it gets tracked anyway. And when that happens, sometimes I get surprised with "oh, I really didn't do that bad" and find some motivation in just that action of tracking.

    Other times, I go to the message boards or success stories and read some things and that kind of helps me move forward. Not every day is going to be easy. Nor will we always feel motivated and inspired. Nor will we lose that pound or two that week. But just kind of "fake it 'til ya make it" and it will eventually click again. So just track, take a walk, read some success stories and remind yourself that (as many already said in this thread) time will pass and your future self will thank you for at least sticking with it and taking action even when you really didn't feel like it.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    You can't rely on external motivation; it's nice, but sporadic. You need to learn how to motivate yourself. Take a good, honest look at why YOU want to lose weight. Not what others have said or what you think it should be, but why YOU want to lose the weight. And it doesn't have to be 'to get healthy'. That wasn't mine. For me, it was the fact that I'm fat in my wedding pictures. I didn't want that anymore; I wanted to be able to look in the mirror or at a picture and recognize myself. That's what kept me going.

    Another thing you can do is break up the large goal into many smaller ones. Doing so helps you stay on track because you're seeing results a lot more often. Bribe yourself with something small you want. I had trouble remembering to log, so I told myself that I would not go out for a steak dinner unless I had logged 30 days in a row. And that worked. The steak dinner fit neatly into my calories for the day so I wasn't going over, but it's something I really really like, so that gave me incentive to build that habit.

    You also need to learn how to forgive yourself. You will mess up and make mistakes, that's normal. When it happens, log it, learn from it, and start fresh next day/meal. Accidentally having an over day doesn't sabotage you or make you a failure. It makes you human. This is really a hard thing for a lot of people to learn, me included. This whole process got a lot easier once I learned it!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    You can do this!! i was once at this point and suffering massive depression in a new city where i knew no one.
    Motivation is a fickle thing, its hard to get but once you have it, it keeps coming!
    as most people have said just try substituting little things to get you going.
    Personally, I enjoy looking at fitness motivation quotes on pinterest or the berry ( category: daily motivation) before bed every night.
    Look in a mirror. tell yourself everyday you are worth this journey and that you love yourself.

    start small. atm maybe you only walk 3000 steps or less a day, try and get it to 5000>7000>10,000 over a period of time.
    snack on your favourite fruit/veggie/ yogurt when you are hungry rather than chocolate, but remember it is 100% OKAY to treat yourself. its normal, and important.
    Rome wasnt built in a day, just try your best.

    Some favourite at home workouts-fitness blender ! ( youtube or there website for free content )
    pinterest/ google plyometric workouts.
    walking with a killer music playlist as far as you can.
  • holdenmonty
    holdenmonty Posts: 17 Member
    I have learned the hard way that it's all about baby steps no matter what change it is. If I try to do to much to quickly then I get overwhelmed and feel like I'm trying to take a sip out of a fire hydrant and give up.
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    What's already been said several times. You don't need motivation, you need to find a way to work through your roadblocks.