hemp protein powder

i've been using hemp protein powder in smoothies now for a couple months and i've really been loving it. it's great for your body and for the environment, and a really good alternative if you're allergic to dairy or are just trying to avoid whey/casein-based protein.

health benefits include:

- it's a complete protein, containing all of the known essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce. it also contains the perfect 3:1 balance of essential fatty acids [omega 3 + 6]
- hemp is packed with insoluble fiber and is very easily digested
- reduces inflammation and improves circulation, so the blood can flow and take the pressure off the heart (great if you have high blood pressure)
- the natural fats and nutrients in hemp help to maintain balanced cholesterol + blood sugar levels

hemp also has a really beneficial/minimal environmental impact:

- it grows fast + abundantly in any climate and does not require a large amount of water
- herbicides and pesticides aren't necessary to use
- it's a natural weed suppresser, the way that hemp grows actually blocks sun from allowing weeds to grow
- high oxygen production
- hemp can help rid toxins from the ground with a process called phytoremediation - or the use of plants to decontaminate water and soils rich in dissolved nutrients (one of the many definitions)

i buy this kind:

or occasionally the trader joes brand. also, shelled hemp seeds are great in smoothies or on salads :)


  • MizzCNyle
    MizzCNyle Posts: 40
    How does it taste?
  • carolynmittens
    the plain kind tastes kind of "earthy," which i like but a lot of people might not like it by itself. that one is best in a fruit smoothie since the fruit masks the flavor. there are vanilla, chocolate and other flavors which taste great just mixed with almond/soy/rice milk (or whatever you use)
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    Does it contain any artificial sweetener?