Stuggling - Sore and Tired

Hi, I've lost about 3 stone in the past year and really upped my fitness & exercise. I have a Fitbit and hit my 10,000 steps a day and on some days double that with all the exercise. I run, play squash, walk and go to the gym. However I seem to be struggling with having days that I am absolutely exhausted and my body feels really tired & sore. I am eating plenty and within my calorie target. Anyone have any words of wisdom? Very much appreciated.


  • bbilliethecat
    bbilliethecat Posts: 62 Member
    i wouldn't say they're words of wisdom, but when i'm overly sore and tired, i rest for a couple of days . i still maintain my 10K steps, but at a slower pace, mostly small walking moments here and there :)
  • shazzer01
    shazzer01 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank You :smile:
  • Marcus_2015
    Marcus_2015 Posts: 119 Member
    Congrats...sounds like a huge amount of fun!

    But you have to listen to your body or you will get injured, and then be unable to keep it up. I know when I need an extra day of rest...

    If you have a hard time with this mentally, try what they call "active recovery" where you do something like light yoga or stretching so you help your body but feel like you have done something.

    Good luck,
  • shazzer01
    shazzer01 Posts: 11 Member
    That's great, thank you Rhyalus :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    when was the last time you had a week off exercising and ate at maintenance?
  • kota4bye
    kota4bye Posts: 809 Member
    Rest, like everybody stated. How is your sleep? are you getting 8 hours? Does your fitbit track your sleep? you may think you're getting a good night sleep, but you could restless/awake more than you know at night as well.
  • shazzer01
    shazzer01 Posts: 11 Member
    Haven't had a week off since beginning of December & sleep pattern poor, I'm now thinking it's not rocket science. Thanks everyone ☺️