Today is my first day!!

I'm new in myfitnesspal community. Last year I lost 30 lbs by eating right and excercising but early this year i stopped doing all that for some reason which leaded to gaining 10lbs back.... :( After hearing my sister talking about her loosing weight the right way I got inspired again, and she told me about this here I'm looking for support to reach my goal and keep it off...


  • ladybugz_247
    ladybugz_247 Posts: 120
  • mvsundberg
    Welcome, and good luck! You've done it once before, you can def do it again!
  • TashaP2011
    TashaP2011 Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome. Please feel free to add me as a friend. Have been looking for motivational friends myself.
  • knmiller4life
    Welcome! This is a great support system! feel free to add me if you like! You will do great! :smile:
  • tristajanelle
    Today is my first day here too! I lost 25lbs. with weight watchers and have kept it off except for a pesky creepy 7lbs. But I am ready to lose the last 30 to get me to my goal of 130. Lets help motivate each other!
  • bethany_22
    bethany_22 Posts: 203 Member
    Hey (: This is a great place to help you with your goals!

  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Hi & welcome! You'll find lots of support & great advice here! Best of luck reaching your goals!
  • Gay11nell
    Gay11nell Posts: 166 Member
    Welcome!!!!!!!!!! My fitness pal has made weight lost pretty easy, especially since I can use from my phone. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Today is my first day too! I made a resolution Christmas Day that I would lose 40 pounds by my anniversay. I started out reallly motivated - lost 10 pounds in 2 months, had an MS relapse in February which slowed me down emotionally and physically - and gained back 6 pounds. I need people to support me and tell me to get back at it. My husband is very supportive but he is also someone who just decides he is working out every day and he does it. He lost 100 pounds about 10 years ago without going to a gym or really following a diet. He just got determined and did it! I need motivation from people who don't have that drive - people like me who fall off the wagon when a donut walks by.
  • jonco
    jonco Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome! I did something similar to you. I lost 41 lbs. about two years ago and then turned around and put 27 back on! I've since lost the 27 plus one more, so I'm in new territory now. Anyway, glad you're here. Good luck!
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    I've only been on here about 6 weeks but I love this site! I love that everyone is going through the same thing as me. I'm fat and trying to lose weight and I know everyone here is too! The support you get is amazing! Good luck in your journey I hope you accomplish everything you set your mind too!
  • LoIF101
    LoIF101 Posts: 13
    Hi :smile: It's my first day today. Last night I set up some weight loss goals = 5 to achieve my goal weight by January. This morning I was referred to this site by a friend - meant to be. Good luck on your journey! You'll be great!
  • LadyRugerSnow
    This is a great tool to utilize! Great support, and really handy. Good luck to you! Feel free to friend me if you want to :)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hi I am fairly new too after a friend of mine told me about the site. I had lost 25 lbs last year by cutting calories and running 3x a week. However, I lost motivation this year and gained 5 lbs back. Enough was enough at that point and I refused to be unhappy with my weight at my upcoming wedding. This site and the people here are so inspirational and amazing. It's also easy to use and really helps you see what you are eating and how to make changes. Feel free to friend me if you like.

    Good luck!