
Hi mfp friends. I would like to hear success stories from anyone who has used phentermine37.5 to assist in weight loss? What was your journey like while using it? I am getting my prescription filled tomorrow and would love to hear good feedback.


  • Lady8228
    Lady8228 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been off and on phentermine ....I recently started back and I lost about 10 lbs in two weeks. I used to eat a lot of restaurant food and drink soda. Since I started, I cut back on my food consumption and started drinking more water. I also started going back to the gym. Thanks to the pill I do have more energy. I can't say I have a "success story" because I'm soooo inconsistant. Hopefully this is the start of one
  • Lady8228
    Lady8228 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck
  • Asallings323
    Asallings323 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you for your reply. I'm nervous to start taking it, but I hope it brings me success. Exercise and eating right are very important but it doesn't always help. So hopefully this will give me the kick start I need.
  • aeallen615
    aeallen615 Posts: 1 Member
    I have used Phentermine on and off throughout my weight loss. I find it very helpful for the times when my calorie allotment decreases. I will say I have lost 102 pounds overall but tracking my calories is the most important aspect. I have slowly incorporated exercise over the last year and a half as well. My coworkers who also took phentermine saw great results but didn't change eating and exercise habits and regained all of the weight they lost in a few months after stopping. My suggestion is to take it for a month or so until you feel it doesn't work as well and then stop for another month. It is most effective this way but just remember to use it as a tool not a crutch and make the diet and exercise changes too and you will do well!
  • ericalee3012
    ericalee3012 Posts: 5 Member
    I started taking Phentermine for the first time last Sunday. I was prescribed 37.5mg however I am only taking 1/2 tablet at the moment to allow my body time to get use to the medication. I will go one more week and then up it the whole tablet. So far it has suppressed my appetite almost completely. At times I feel like I have to force myself to eat. Side effects that I have experienced is dry mouth of course and I drink lots of water to control that and increase in heart rate at times but nothing major. I had a follow up today with my MD and he said everything looked good BP and HR wise. I have lost 5lbs so far. Add me on mfp and instagram (chandlerx6) for friendship throughout your journey :)
    SW: 209.8 /CW: 205.2 /GW: 145
  • HappiHeart2
    HappiHeart2 Posts: 1 Member
    I have used it on and off for about 15yrs. Once I get down to my goal weight, I stop. You have to watch your body with it, because of its drying effects. I was constantly constipated with it, but i always kept a post nasal drip with it. It will also dry up other secretory glands. On a good note, the product DOES work. It will completely suppress your appetite & no matter what MDs try to tell you, it IS addictive, hard to get off of, you will prob experience mood swings with it--severe highs and extreme lows. I had to take Ambien or Benadryl with it to sleep (I don't recommend taking Ambien).
  • djspacecaptain
    djspacecaptain Posts: 366 Member
    I just started my third month of taking it. First month i lost about 12lbs which was awesome. Second month however my body got used to it and i only lost like 6lbs, which is good but not nearly as good as the first month. I read online that the body can get used to phentermine really fast but adding 5-htp (vitamin isle) should make the phentermine as strong as when you first start taking it. So I am adding 5-htp hoping the third month will be like the first or better!

    I don't really get dry mouth or constipation. It does a great job at stopping the appetite, and mixing in exercising you should see good results. Just mess around with it to see how it effects you. Like it might be better to take it right when you wake up or for me i like to take it a little before 1pm. You might like having a snack with it or you may not, i don't but again you have to mess around with it.

    Oh and after the first month i stopped taking it for a week to see if i would gain any weight back and i stayed the same. So as long as you have a plan for when you stop taking it you should not gain the weight back.
  • Asallings323
    Asallings323 Posts: 25 Member
    Did any of your doctor's that prescribed the medication, tell you to do a 3day detox before starting phen?
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    Did any of your doctor's that prescribed the medication, tell you to do a 3day detox before starting phen?

    No. He just gave it to me and emphasized that I need to be following my nutritionist's guidelines and to add in more exercise, particularly weight baring exercises. I'd been seeing a nutritionist for a year up until that point without any results.

    I started phen in January. At my next doc's appointment I was down 15lbs. Not sure how this next month will work out but looking forward to seeing results.
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