40lbs lost and gained again within 2 years :(

Hey there! I've been using MFP for a number of years now and within the first year, I managed to loose 40lbs and get down to my goal weight. However over the last two years, all the weight if not more has come back. I concluded this was down to me slipping out of my old healthy habits. I've made the decision to start my journey again and get down to my previous weight and this time to maintain it! I've only just discovered the MFP forums and thought I'd post and see if there was anyone in the same position as me or anyone who would like to help me through my second journey and hopefully motivate one another! :)


  • melonomo66
    melonomo66 Posts: 6 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hiya! Thanks for your reply! Sorry I should have specified by MFP I meant MyFitnessPal! Your right! Throughout my first journey, for the first 5 days of the week id eat clean, then the other 2 days I would indulge in cheat meals!
  • MountainMamaNB
    MountainMamaNB Posts: 9 Member
    I am in the same boat. Lost 45 lbs, reached goal and to celebrate I treated myself to a chocolate croissant someone at work have made. I swear it was all down hill from there. It is like I have been on a "I earned it" trip...in the last year I gained 20 lbs back and have been trying since Jan. 1st to get back on the weight loss/lifestyle wagon. I think my mental block is that I now know just how strict my heatlhy eating has to be to not only lose but to maintain. Arrgghh...bit the bad stuff is just so good. Unfortunately I have no off switch so once the bag is opened forget it. So...I have learned and am still learning what moderation means for me.
  • BoogeyBrat
    BoogeyBrat Posts: 212 Member
    edited February 2016
    Been there, done that more times than I'd like to admit. Every fad diet or weight loss system I've gone on had the same results. I'd lose it, hit goal, and gain it all back and then some. It wasn't until I started just counting calories that I was able to keep any real weight off. I hit goal back in 2014, and went to maintenance.

    What helped me the most was that I set an upper range weight limit that was above my goal weight but no where near my starting weight. Whenever I got into that range, I'd start to cut calories again until I was back to goal weight. It's a lot easier to tackle losing ten pounds than it is to go back to square one, and I've done it a few times since May of 2014. That's been what's saved me from gaining it all back this time.

    The reality is that you'll always have to watch what you eat one way or another or you'll find yourself back where you started every single time. You can't eat like you used to, ever again if you want to keep it off. It's stinks, but it's true. Complacency is your enemy, and being vigilant even in maintenance will be your best friend when it comes to playing the weight game. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • ddmusica
    ddmusica Posts: 50 Member
    I lost 40 lbs and was so happy! I hurt my knee, started eating bad foods again.... And no exercise for 5 months. Have gained 15 back so it's time to get back into s habit of exercise and healthy eating.
  • pamuyamakene
    pamuyamakene Posts: 75 Member
    Hi melonomo 66 your story sounds very similar to mine! I lost around 40 pounds(22kg) within 8 months . I gained it all back in a space of two years without even realizing till it was too late. So it's hard finding the motivation again, but i will do my best. Would love to have you as a friend to motviate each other :-)melonomo66! I must say your story sounds very familiar! Add me if you're interested thanks!
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    kimyrachel wrote: »
    Hi there :)I am not sure what MFP is but I found that the short-term weight loss programs or strategy never work out ......................

    "My Fitness Pal".... you're using it. :|

  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Dear OP,
    I'm in the same boat. I was about 5lb short of my goal weight but then my mother needed care (and died in Nov 2013) and 3 months later my dad got cancer and needed care (and died July 2015). During that time I ate badly and didn't exercise and I gained it all back. After spending the next 6 months in a daze recovering from it all, I'm now back on here since early January (I don't normally do New Years resolutions...) and lost 14lb so far. Welcome back. Don't beat yourself up. Life happens. You've done it once so you can do it again. Perhaps, just something to be learned when it comes to maintenance we still need to keep an eye on things as it's easy to derail.