Trying to build muscle lose the fat for competition

Hi I'm new. I'm counting cal also to make sure I'm getting my macros for the day. I would like to do a bikini comp. right now I'm following Jamie Eason live fit 3 phase workout. I'm on the second phase. Looking to talk with people that I cn relate to with this. Anyone have experience in this type of program?


  • Chewer713
    Chewer713 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't have any experience but i have had to make weight for sport competitions so good luck!
  • amygdaletsis
    amygdaletsis Posts: 21 Member
    I don't compete but have though about it. My daily macro goals are 40% protein 40% carbs and 20% fats based on 1,650 calories. Interested to hear about Jamie Eason's plan, she looks great!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    If you are looking to compete I highly suggest finding a qualified trainer with lots of experience. A good trainer will help you through the prep and help with recovery after the show is over. Competing is very expensive for the fees, suit, shoes, and tan. If you're going to cut corners do it with one of those and get a good trainer.
  • deeowens867
    deeowens867 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with fining a trainer - they can evaluate you by sight and tell what you need to change in diet and workout
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Suggestion of checking out Fitocracy. It is basically MFP for tracking workouts, and has groups for people doing bikini competitions, who could likely give you far more insight into such than your average MFP person.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    How far out is the show?

    whats your current physique like?