Herniated disc c6 c7 and pressing against nerve root

So I have unbearable pain due to a herniated disc in my c6 c7 I think. The pain radiates upto my left Bicep and left index finger. I'm avoiding surgery and taking pain killers, which don't help a bit (both anti inflammatory and muscle relaxant). But somehow sleep helps a lot. I feel no pain when I sleep and for the first hour after waking up. So I've become quite a sleepy head now lol. It's worst when I sit. I have started physiotherapy. I hope it works. The gym was my happy place. I'd be really disheartened if I couldn't return to it someday. Anyone with similar experiences. I'd love to hear.....


  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    In 08 I had spine surgery on a severe bulging disk. L5-S1, lower back, I had chiropractic care for 9 months that helped for a long while, then had 3 shots that each lasted about a month, then surgery. Wish I had surgery sooner as it was worth it looking back. I still have some nerve damage, left leg still tingles and toes are always semi-numb feeling, and occasionally my left calf will seize up. I still play a lot of golf now and since Thanksgiving I have lost ~ 30 lbs and still working on much better fitness. I won't push my back to its limits with weights, but am lifting some. I hope all works out well for you, good luck!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Gabapentin might help with the nerve pain. I take it for that and it does help me. I have non-disc things that push on those nerve roots and C5, too. Mine's chronic and been with me a while, which I certainly hope yours won't be! But I can tell you that even with chronic pain, you can eventually work around it.

    If they have water physio where you are, that was the absolute best for my neck/back (mine radiates to my shoulder blade area). It was just so much more comfortable than land lifting/exercises. Warm water is even better.

    I have built up my strength enough by now that it really helped the daily pain level and I can do more, although there are a ton of movements that I can't do without causing pain. Be smart and learn what really doesn't work (and then don't do it with those body parts). Pushing through everything usually just backfires, so get used to that early on and you'll feel better. Physio should really help you know what is safe and not safe.

    I do all sorts of things and have to avoid others. I do many isolation lifts instead of compound for the upper body, for instance, so that I can tailor the weight very specifically for the movement/muscles used. Then I also have stronger pain meds than you mention, and that does help a lot so that I can stay active and not totally miserable when the pain shoots up too high. There are extra rest days and the like, but you get used to it. But hopefully yours is very temporary and you won't have to get used to it!
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    Yes 4 times so far. Every time but one it was the same, accidents. Year ago no trama just pain. Mine is primarily at c6-c7 and it can get very very bad. Sleep helps temporarily. I got better with physical therapy, not pleasant but it worked. Twice I had to get a cervical epidural, while a little nervy, the pain ended very soon after the second one. The last cervical epidural they used fluoroscopy and the procedure was easy.

    Good luck, for me surgery wasn't a good option, so I live with it. Think continued PT is the way to go. YMMV.
  • ruelha
    ruelha Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you all sooooo much for replying.

    @Tfrasur, you mentioned losing 30 lbs. That sounds awesome. How did you manage that? Weights or cardio mostly? I feel really bad hearing about your nerve damage.

    @Cafeaulait7, I'm so sorry to hear about your chronic pain. It scares me. We don't hve water physio here. So that won't be an option for me
  • michelle9999
    michelle9999 Posts: 11 Member
    I had a c5-6 discectomy and titanium replacement last year. Other than being stiff (my own fault -desk job and I don't stretch enough) I feel great! Almost full range of motion, feeling in my hands came back and I believe my balance is better. I should be doing physio but do massage instead - as I said I'm feeling stiff lately so will start physio next month. I really recommend the replacement instead of the fusion... The shooting radiating pain is all but gone, and a soak in the hot tub usually does the trick.

    I wonder if the pain subsides when you sleep because you are laying down and the spinal fluid is able to flow better..?? Maybe takes the pressure off?? I had a severely compressed spine and am thrilled with the surgery results. However. Due to no ones fault but my own, I used the surgery as an excuse not to work out and have gained 20ish pounds. Don't do that. Lol...

  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    ruelha wrote: »
    Thank you all sooooo much for replying.

    @Tfrasur, you mentioned losing 30 lbs. That sounds awesome. How did you manage that? Weights or cardio mostly? I feel really bad hearing about your nerve damage.

    I lost 30 lbs by simply eating at a deficit, with some cardio and some lifting. I think I've only went over my calories a cpl times since I started in late November. I work at nite and stand and walk the whole time, so I generally get 12-15k steps in easily and sometimes more. Along with doing cardio about 25-35 min each day and some lifting Mon-Wed-Fri totally about 25 min. Nothing to crazy tho, my back is always thought of when doing anything like that. I wish I had my surgery sooner, as the epidurals, I had 3, worked for only about 2-4 weeks each. And another after surgery and since I've been great minus some permanent damage from waiting too long. But, with the weight loss, I notice the little annoying numbness feeling in my left leg an foot being much less. I am starting Insanity soon and hoping it to continue improving my fitness. My surgeon kept asking about my accident that cause the damage, lol. I never had anything for a reason, it just started to linger from low back to feeling it deep in my hip, to numbness down my leg with sharp piercing pain if I moved wrong or did anything sudden. Chiropractic care an epidurals felt great for a while, but wasn't long term for me at least. I'm able to play as much golf as I can and my back has been really solid since then, but I'm always mindful of it and stretch an take care of it as best I can, an now losing 30 lbs is even easier on it. Hope all goes well for you and always rest it when you feel the need.
  • ruelha
    ruelha Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for all the advice and good wishes Tfrasur. I'm really sorry and scared hearing Ur story. I'm skinny fat and had just started gaining lean mass. So I'm scared of going on a deficit. Lifting is my only way. Can't wait.....I'm hoping for an absolute expedient recovery....too much eh?☺
    Hugs and luck to you
    Hope it never returns
  • ruelha
    ruelha Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Michelle
    Thanks for all the tips. I'm sorry to hear about your herniation and surgery and am glad Ur feeling better now( except for the stiffness off late). Hmm I never really thought about the spinal fluid and the anatomical position of the body. That's worth some research there