Thyroid help!!

usfhottie Posts: 5 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I have hypothyroidism and feel like my metabolism hates me. I did really well losing weight before once I started my pills, but then I got off track and have gained back 23 or the 75 lbs that I lost. I am feeling so bad about myself and started to realize that it is so easy to fall back to unhealthy habits. I was wondering if you could give me any help as to what I can do to kick start my metabolism, or if anyone else with the same problem as mine has any ideas, I would appreciate and advice. It is so frustrating.


  • My husband suffers from the same exact thing. He has been diagonised for over two years now and is still struggling with it. He is in the army and that makes it so much more of a priorty to keep his weight down. He has found this new way of eating that, for him, is working. I know it seems kind of extreme but this has worked for him. He is doing what they call a body builders diet. He fasts all day till about 3 in the afternoon and then he eats 1500 calories before 9 at night and his weight is coming off nicely, BUT he also does the extreme PT military workout in the morning at which he burns 1000 calories on most days. He has done so much trial and error with this stupid hypothyroidism stuff and this is actually working for him. He also takes Lipo 6 Black to help curve his food cravings JUST in the morning time and does not take them in the afternoon so that way he can eat the 1500 calories.....Good luck I hope this might give you something to play with!!!! Add me if you would like to and maybe I can help, I have done so much research having to deal with this stuff for him something else might work better for you :)
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I have Hashimotos Hypothyroid, among other things, so I feel your pain. It's as though we have to work 3 times harder than the average person to lose the same amount of weight. All we can really do is keep our meds regulated and keep working and pushing through!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    ...... then I got off track and have gained back 23 or the 75 lbs that I lost. I am feeling so bad about myself and started to realize that it is so easy to fall back to unhealthy habits.

    Herein lies the root of your issue, and I could have written these exact lines myself about 18 months ago. I initially lost 72 pounds, gained 22, and have now lost 8-10 of those, and would like to lose about 5-7 again and maintain that loss. The issue may not be your hypothyroidism, although I will admit it makes it harder to lose weight. It's the 'getting off track' that is tough.

    "Just do it" would be the only advice I could give you. Start watching what you are eating.....track your exercise......etc., and hopefully you will see the results of your efforts. It is more difficult the second time around, I will tell you that. I've been between 135-140 for months now, and am starting to accept that this is just where I am going to be (my "ideal" in "my" head is 130-135). I try to exercise at least five times a week (I'm a walker), and watch what I eat "most" of the time. This summer is tough with lots of weddings and showers taking place, so I think I'm going to be happy with maintaining until I get back to work and in more of a routine.

    Good luck,
  • Kelleyrh5
    Kelleyrh5 Posts: 119 Member
    Well i have been dealing with the thyroid issues for the past couple of years, and i totally know what you are going through. When I found out that that was the reason or one of the reasons for my gaining of like 30pds in 3 months, i just cried. So, my DH got me a gym membership and a personal trainer 1x week. Well that helped for a small amount but nothing major on the weight loss so, I finally decided that i need more help and joined Jenny Craig. Since then i have been loosing the weight on a regular basis and loving it.
    Now, if you cannot join a great diet program like JC, then my suggestion would be to eat 5 small balanced meals a day and keep your calories at 1200 a day. This has helped me sooooo much and with the cardio 3-4 times a week and 1 day of weights i feel soooo much better. Oh and lots of water and vitamins!
    You can do this, you have done this before and know that it is a life changing situation. I also have been reading a book that was referred to me and it helped, which was the "100 days of weight loss by Linda Spangle".
    Good Luck and we are all here to help cheer you on!
  • usfhottie
    usfhottie Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much for all your responses. I think I am going to have to go back to just watching what I eat and start working out again. I can do it, it is just frustrating feeling so tired all the time.
  • Kelleyrh5
    Kelleyrh5 Posts: 119 Member
    Just try to remember that this is not a diet it is a life changing style and for the better. That's what i have to keep telling myself all the time, especially right before I WI! hehe:wink:
  • I also have hypothyroidism. I was doing everything correct using Weight Watchers and was getting so frustrated becasue I either stayed the same weight or gained no matter what I did, had no energy and tired all the time until someone that I work with (in a medical clinic) suggested I get my thyroid checked. I did and it was a relief to find out why I was working so hard and not seeing results. It gave me something solid to work on.

    I learned a couple of important things from an Endocrinologist about hypothyroidism...when and how you take your med makes a big difference. (I found out the hard way on that too). Take it by itself without any other meds or supplements on an empty stomach with only water and don't eat for at least 2 hours. The only time I found that worked for me was in the middle of the night when I got up to use the restroom or first thing in the morning upon rising and not eating breakfast for 2 hours. Other vitamin supplements (C, D, calcium etc) and meds are to be taken separately at another time of the day as they can interfere with how the thyroid medicine works.

    Another important item is that it takes several weeks for the med to get into and start working correctly in your system. I'd start on one dose, have to wait for 3 months for a blood test to check my thyroid level, then my dr. would tweak the dosage until the level was correct and each tweak would mean waiting for 3 months in between. So it may take 6-9 months to get the correct therapeutic dosage. You just have to be patient.

    Finally, the color of the pill should always stay the same and if it changes (which it can without any notice from your pharmacy), tell your doctor since color changes means it has gone to a generic form or different manufacturer of the medication and the formulary change needs to be monitored with more blood work to check your level.

    It sounds like a lot but will help in the long run to give your thyroid a chance to work correctly so you can get back and stay on track. Your plan to watch what you eat and start working out again is the healthiest way. You can do this!
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