Your views on...

emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
Breast implants... No, not all fake boobied women look like they are sportin a pair of bolt-on's and if you do find a good dr they can look very natural and feel very soft! Now what's your views?!


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Well. I had a breast REDUCTION, so there is NO WAY in heck I'd get implants - that would completely defeat the reduction surgery.

    That being said, If implants make someone feel better about themselves - then go for it. I've always been large busted, so I don't understand the self image problems that can come with smaller breasts.
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    There's no amount of plastic surgery that will make you as beautiful as being fit and healthy will.
  • rcarri7661
    rcarri7661 Posts: 10
    If you can look natural that is great under my view I dont like fake boobie especialy when they look really fake.

  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I'm happy with mine as they are...however once I hit goal...if things aren't where I want them, I would consider them for myself .
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I have two kids so the "ladies" aren't what they used to be. After I have met my weight loss and fitness goals I plan on getting breast implants and a lift. I want it to look natural of course. I don't care if people don't like it or don't approve of it, it's my body and I will do what I want.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Breast implants... No, not all fake boobied women look like they are sportin a pair of bolt-on's and if you do find a good dr they can look very natural and feel very soft! Now what's your views?!

    Implants can boost some women's confidence. This makes them more open and more relaxed in the bedroom. That is a great thing.

    I prefer au naturel myself, even if they are smaller, but I know guys who feel the opposite.

    If it makes people happy then more power to them.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    They're not for me. I would definitely get a lift though if I could afford it..
  • Tinan76
    Tinan76 Posts: 56 Member
    I think I would get a pair myself if you didn't need to replace them every 10 years. I can't image be 50, 60, or 70 years old having that done. So I would have to remove them and then Wth would I be left with?
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I wouldn't get implants, but if you feel like you would be happier with yourself, then I say go for it! I do have every intention of getting a lift after I am done have babies and done breastfeeding!
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    I am smaller and people are always feeling it necessary to point that fact out to me as if I didn't know LOl...or tease me with a few jokes. It used to bother me when I was younger. I almost felt a little cheated in the sexy department..but after a while in my late twenties I made peace with it and in my 30s not only made peace with it but decided I was actually happy with my smaller size and wouldn't trade them if given the opportunity for fake or natural...I like the way I am and that's that.don't consider my smaller breast a flaw anymore...As for implants, that would not be an option for me...I have nothing against implants I only wish that people could make peace with their bodies and not try to fit into a- if you're not this size, this skinny, this tall, etc..then you're not good enough idea. If it's strictly for you and not for anyone else, I think, go for it.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I all different shapes and my own personal air mattress for my head and they work as great floatation devices.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    I have implants already it just interests me to hear diverse views on the subject. I didn't need was something I've wanted since I was literally 8yrs walking around with water balloons in my shirt.

    I'm surprised a lot of the ladies who have had lifts/reductions don't have implants..usually they recommend them with those procedures.

    Anyone in Az who needs a doc to look into you can check mine out! (my dr that is!)
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    If you want it, and can afford it, go for it!!

    I have 2 children, and have always been big busted. Right now, the majority of my 42D's are fat, I'm normally a C-Cup. But my husband just told me yesterday that he LOVES them the way they are, so as long as I'm happy and he is too, I'm good!
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    I all different shapes and my own personal air mattress for my head and they work as great floatation devices.

    Hahahahaha this made me laugh!
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    I am fairly confident that when I am done my weight loss journey that I will get them - I can already see a huge reduction since loosing 15lbs... and it's upsetting. They weren't huge before, just right and now they are disappearing!! I know I will end up having boobs that look like socks with rocks by the time I reach my goal.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I have implants already it just interests me to hear diverse views on the subject. I didn't need was something I've wanted since I was literally 8yrs walking around with water balloons in my shirt.

    I'm surprised a lot of the ladies who have had lifts/reductions don't have implants..usually they recommend them with those procedures.

    Anyone in Az who needs a doc to look into you can check mine out! (my dr that is!)
    Do you mind if I ask how much it costs?
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have implants already it just interests me to hear diverse views on the subject. I didn't need was something I've wanted since I was literally 8yrs walking around with water balloons in my shirt.

    I'm surprised a lot of the ladies who have had lifts/reductions don't have implants..usually they recommend them with those procedures.

    Anyone in Az who needs a doc to look into you can check mine out! (my dr that is!)

    I have no need for implants after a reduction. After they reduced them - they lifted them and put them back together very nicely. Getting implants would totally and completely defeat the purpose of a reduction - which was to REDUCE the size of them.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    My chest is very small. I used to hate it. But, then I realized that they suit me, they are convenient for running, my hubby loves them and I can still rock an outfit when I want... just different styles. I personally don't want implants, but I don't have anything against anyone that does.
  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member
    after breast cancer, an implant was the option we were going to go.
    unfortunately, i busted the expander, so we went a differrent route.

    a friend of mine had breast implants and they look very natural and really helped her a lot. she is a belly dancer, so it helped with her self image, a lot.

    personally, i would only get them if i lost the other breast to cancer, but i am big chested to begin with.
  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    I think they are fabulous!! ;) I posted a thread about this too. You look FABULOUS btw!! :)