My bf keeps calling me fat



  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    edited February 2016
    How much does he weigh? Because that's how much weight you need to drop like a bad habit! If he's not sensitive or smart enough to know that what he is saying is hurtful then time to move on to someone that will appreciate you for you.
  • aanelson72
    aanelson72 Posts: 13 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    I think if you're staying with someone who's calling you names you need more help than anyone here can offer. I mean if excess weight is a problem for you, you can lose that. If an actual person is a problem for you, you can lose them as well.

    Boom! Well said!
    No one who loves and cares for you should make you feel bad. Lose the loser.
  • _EPIC_
    _EPIC_ Posts: 611 Member
    Just break up.
  • TorontoDiane
    TorontoDiane Posts: 1,413 Member
    you are with the WRONG MAN.. love doesn't feel like what I am reading. People who insult other people have issues of their own, and you need to move on and find someone who will love you and not insult you. you deserve better than this, life is too short to be with the wrong person, in the wrong relationship
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Yep I agree with the others... Get rid
    But honey get out of the baggy old clothes and rock your little dresses, I bet you look a hundred times better than you believe you do. He's done a number on you by chipping away at your confidence and self belief. Don't let him do that to you girl, you're much stronger than you realise
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Why are you with someone that makes you feel horrible? That's not how it's supposed to work.
  • Jus_gem
    Jus_gem Posts: 38 Member
    aanelson72 wrote: »
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    I think if you're staying with someone who's calling you names you need more help than anyone here can offer. I mean if excess weight is a problem for you, you can lose that. If an actual person is a problem for you, you can lose them as well.

    Boom! Well said!
    No one who loves and cares for you should make you feel bad. Lose the loser.

    OMG exactly, I'm sorry but I feel like mollycoddling someone in this situation reinforces their behavior patterns. NO this person does not ask to be victimised but a change in attitude can drastically change her situation.

    'Nuh uh girlfriend, you dump his *kitten*' attitude is just miss-placed, what doe it really achieve? There are bigger issues here.

    Fact is only you have the power to change both the situation with your partner and your fitness situation. (weight loss please insert specific goal here).

    - You are talking to a bunch of strangers instead of the person who has upset you. Please stop and think about what this achieves in your real life apart from momentary moral boost via the internet
    - you are staying in an environment which is having negative affects on your mental health - with every fat comment you hear it's damaging and you have a choice to not live like that
    - losing 2KG in 3 weeks is brilliant but please set realistic expectations this is a long term journey not a short term fix which will make your LBD all of a sudden feel amazing when you put it on
    - work from the inside out - you can feel amazing in a LBD at 80KG as much as 55KG so work on yourself mentally and a persons hateful words will not be able to penetrate your awesomeness

    Get out of those habits into some positive ones you will find your situation drastically improves.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    get a new boyfriend.


    because guys like that will always find a way to insult you. Even if you lost that weight to appease him, he'd just find another thing to rag on you about.
  • TheSunAndTheRainfall
    TheSunAndTheRainfall Posts: 82 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you're still massively overweight. Fortunately, I have created a new weight-loss plan, which is both fast-acting and 100% effective! All you need to do is follow these simple steps, and you can look forward to a slimmer you:

    1) Call bf

    2) Dump him

    The average person who follows my plan will lose approximately 80-90kg in dead weight almost instantly. Guaranteed results!
  • AbzAzeem
    AbzAzeem Posts: 533 Member
    Leanr Love ur self and ur own body get Comfortable with ur own body! its a great start and then trying to lose it if u want or dont
  • emmyjo1981
    emmyjo1981 Posts: 25 Member
    I think it may be time to start calling him your ex-boyfriend
  • reisbaron
    reisbaron Posts: 30 Member
    *kitten* that guy.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    lose weight instantly! Drop that *kitten*.
  • martell617
    martell617 Posts: 1 Member
    If he speaks to you that way, he shouldn't be your BF. NEXT !!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Jus_gem wrote: »
    aanelson72 wrote: »
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    I think if you're staying with someone who's calling you names you need more help than anyone here can offer. I mean if excess weight is a problem for you, you can lose that. If an actual person is a problem for you, you can lose them as well.

    Boom! Well said!
    No one who loves and cares for you should make you feel bad. Lose the loser.

    OMG exactly, I'm sorry but I feel like mollycoddling someone in this situation reinforces their behavior patterns. NO this person does not ask to be victimised but a change in attitude can drastically change her situation.

    'Nuh uh girlfriend, you dump his *kitten*' attitude is just miss-placed, what doe it really achieve? There are bigger issues here.

    Fact is only you have the power to change both the situation with your partner and your fitness situation. (weight loss please insert specific goal here).

    - You are talking to a bunch of strangers instead of the person who has upset you. Please stop and think about what this achieves in your real life apart from momentary moral boost via the internet
    - you are staying in an environment which is having negative affects on your mental health - with every fat comment you hear it's damaging and you have a choice to not live like that
    - losing 2KG in 3 weeks is brilliant but please set realistic expectations this is a long term journey not a short term fix which will make your LBD all of a sudden feel amazing when you put it on
    - work from the inside out - you can feel amazing in a LBD at 80KG as much as 55KG so work on yourself mentally and a persons hateful words will not be able to penetrate your awesomeness

    Get out of those habits into some positive ones you will find your situation drastically improves.

    All of the above.

    Your boyfriend and your weight are neither here nor there. Losing one or both of them won't get you where you need to be: a healthy sense of your own value as a person. It is that you need to address.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    mweckler wrote: »
    As a straight married male, PUNCH HIM IN THE CROTCH. Trust me he should be helping to lift you up and support you not bringing you down. If that is what he is saying to you he is probably saying much worse behind your back.

    This ... This is a kind of thoughts your future guy should have.

    Throw the nutcase out of your life. Make him your ex.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    I agree with @Jus_gem and the points they are making but I would still dump him. To feel better you are not going to EVER be able to change him - you can only change yourself. Whether that includes change in weight or not is irrelevant. A GOOD boyfriend would be supportive in helping you REACH your goals, NOT cut you down when you're already feeling low.

    There ARE men out there that are supportive and not downright rude. It took me 10 years to find one but with patience and persistence you will too :)
  • flossynorstrom
    flossynorstrom Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I just had to comment. I was 59 kilos when I went on zyprexa (after my brother's suicide). Zyprexa made me feel like I was constantly starving so I ate a lot. Over a 7 year period, my weight went up to 118 kilos. My husband has never made one negative comment about my weight. However, my boss has constantly made rude, inappropriate, hurtful and unwanted comments about my weight. I am now off of zyprexa and have lost 28 kilos. I asked my husband if he was happy that I was losing weight and he said that he is happy for me that I am losing weight. My boss has also shut the hell up (too late as I am applying for other work right now). Please know, that habits from our partners never get better, over the years, they get worse. Please don't put yourself through this. I think your bf has just eroded your self confidence so much that you now believe the BS coming out of his mouth. Dump him!! Nobody deserves that from anyone. Trust me, there will be plenty of men happy to take his place who would love you just the way you are… dieting necessary xxxx
  • breelovesgoldy
    breelovesgoldy Posts: 27 Member
    Hi flossynorstorm ur msg really ment alot to me
    I am so sorry about your brother may he rip
    You sound like you have such a loving partner
    And ur boss omg what a prick i had a manager like him he didnt like the way i walked and so on
    But again thank you so very much
    Much love xx
  • breelovesgoldy
    breelovesgoldy Posts: 27 Member
    And to every one who took the time to msg me thankyou x