"That Guy" at work

JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
We all have one...or two. You know, that guy.

At my work "that guy" is young, new, and ANNOYING. He is constantly sending out mass emails inviting people to physician dinners, learning sessions, etc etc. STOP COPYING ME ON THESE EMAILS. he walks around with his nose in the air asking questions like, "Are you proficient with Microsoft Word?" Like what! Shut up you snob and talk like a normal person.

On treat days at work he has no sense of space. My space. MY BUBBLE. While I am cautiously speading cream cheese on my bagel making sure I am only using 2 tablespoons he is BREAAATTHHINNGG down my neck, reaching around me, being annoying as possible.

argh! I hate that guy.

Please share yous "That Guy" stories below!


  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I don't have any...probably because I am THAT guy

    ...and I am proficient in Word.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Thankfully my current office doesn't have any weirdos!!! However, there was definitely a "that guy" at my last job - he would clip his toenails at his desk and every time he came in to your cube to ask a question or whatever, it was like he purposefully made sure his crotch was as close to your face as possible. So sick....
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    "That guy" at work is a woman. Her problems are my emergencies. :explode:
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Thankfully my current office doesn't have any weirdos!!! However, there was definitely a "that guy" at my last job - he would clip his toenails at his desk and every time he came in to your cube to ask a question or whatever, it was like he purposefully made sure his crotch was as close to your face as possible. So sick....

    lol sick!!
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    My 'that guy' is the guy at our work who is in charge of the whole Going Green concept. He constantly is coming over and talking about solar this, recycle that. I know these things are important, but please don't judge me because I don't have on organic cotton.

    Annoying bonus..his kid is allergic to everything and he is constantly saying how kids should'nt be allowed to bring things in his son's classroom that contains allergy contents (which includes peanut butter, eggs, nuts, wheat, tomatos and strawberries!)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Don't really have anyone like that in my office. Then again, we have a pretty large office space for a small number of employees, so it's not hard to avoid people.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    We have one or too "that guy"'s ...but they generally smell good and are cute...so can't complain lol
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    since I work at home- I don't have one of those annoying guys unless my husband counts when he gets home from work....

    (Really I'm just teasing, I love my husband , wouldn't be with him for 29 years if I didn't.)
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    "that Guy" or "that old *kitten* who thinks i want him talking to me" at my job is such an *kitten*.. he talks to his assistant like a bad dog, and yells at her for our whole floor to hear. i ignore him hard. i don't look at him if i pass him in the hall, or see him on the kitchen, if i HAVE TO talk to him, it is at a minimum, and he has the nerve to come to my desk and be like "ohh i havent talked to you on so long!" i'm like probably because i fcn ignore you, have you seriously not gotten the hint?? he's hitler.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    since I work at home- I don't have one of those annoying guys unless my husband counts when he gets home from work....

    (Really I'm just teasing, I love my husband , wouldn't be with him for 29 years if I didn't.)

    just because you love someone doesn't mean they can't be annoying Lol :)
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    "That guy" at work is a woman. Her problems are my emergencies. :explode:

    Here is a saying you might enjoy that one of the girls I work with uses: "A lack of preparation on your part does not constitute and emergency on mine."
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    My 'that guy' is the guy at our work who is in charge of the whole Going Green concept. He constantly is coming over and talking about solar this, recycle that. I know these things are important, but please don't judge me because I don't have on organic cotton.

    Annoying bonus..his kid is allergic to everything and he is constantly saying how kids should'nt be allowed to bring things in his son's classroom that contains allergy contents (which includes peanut butter, eggs, nuts, wheat, tomatos and strawberries!)

    at my last office, they half-@$$ed the going green... "that guy" bought recycled post-its that only came in colors resembling poop--- baby poop green, too much fiber brown, etc... and you couldn't even read your writing on them.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    My 'that guy' is the guy at our work who is in charge of the whole Going Green concept. He constantly is coming over and talking about solar this, recycle that. I know these things are important, but please don't judge me because I don't have on organic cotton.

    Annoying bonus..his kid is allergic to everything and he is constantly saying how kids should'nt be allowed to bring things in his son's classroom that contains allergy contents (which includes peanut butter, eggs, nuts, wheat, tomatos and strawberries!)

    ugh! i hate that!! its like "oh okay, everyone stop feeding your kids because gorge is allergic to water." i hate dumbasses.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    "That guy" at work is a woman. Her problems are my emergencies. :explode:

    Here is a saying you might enjoy that one of the girls I work with uses: "A lack of preparation on your part does not constitute and emergency on mine."

    i have that quote on my wall! it was for my boss to read, and it worked :)
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    My 'that guy' is the guy at our work who is in charge of the whole Going Green concept. He constantly is coming over and talking about solar this, recycle that. I know these things are important, but please don't judge me because I don't have on organic cotton.

    Annoying bonus..his kid is allergic to everything and he is constantly saying how kids should'nt be allowed to bring things in his son's classroom that contains allergy contents (which includes peanut butter, eggs, nuts, wheat, tomatos and strawberries!)

    ugh! i hate that!! its like "oh okay, everyone stop feeding your kids because gorge is allergic to water." i hate dumbasses.

    Personally I agree with the bans. My kids not allergic to any of those things but I would have no problem making sure my kid doesn't have that food around kids that are. Only thing I heard schools around here banning was peanut butter and other peanut products.

    My view is my kid can enjoy that stuff at home. Better safe then sorry.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    My office is made up mainly of That Guys... there is one who is such a pesterer and totally incompetent. He is in charge of the most unimportant things. Like internal control audits for office processes. He sat over my shoulder and literally gave me word by word edits.. but not directly. "Don't you think you could choose a better work there? Should that be a comma? " he would walk away, pace back and forth past my door 5 times and walk back in again.

    After an hour of this I told his boss next time he sends him into my office I will throw him out of the window. :laugh:
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    "Are you proficient with Microsoft Word?"

    Now that's the way to say it! But then again, who isn't? It's Microsoft Word, after all. :wink:
  • maloryanne
    maloryanne Posts: 44 Member
    "that guy" is a girl for me as well she is so annoying and she calls out everyone on their mistakes but its okay for her to screw up or forget things but when others do it she acts like the sky is falling!! and the effin worst part is that while she is taddling on the people she cries about it!!! like really your gonna cry because so and so forgot to close the door?? ugh its so annoying oh and she also try to fatten me up and she talks **** about me because i dont wanna be a fatass like her!!! ugh sorry im kinda venting... hehehe
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    There use to be a guy here that snipped his nails in the office too. Currently there is one guy here who does nothing but eat peanuts all. day. long. He sits in front of me so I am constantly hearing "munch munch munch munch" and whiffs of cigarette/peanuts odors coming from him. Not exactly weird but something the combo of cigarette/peanuts make me gag.

    There is one chick who is a know it all. She is so competitive and annoying sometimes....
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Mine is more of a "That girl!" I have worked at my job for over 5 years now. I get along with EVERYONE! Love them all; they are like a second family for me. Except 'that girl!" She does all kinds of things... but biggest one is probably the fact she's worked here less than a year and walks around like she's better than everyone. She got her position because of 'who she knew' kind of deal and completely shows it with her holier than thou attitude along with her always leaving early, her trying to avoid taking phone calls (her position is in customer service).. along with many other things. I've tried so hard to not let her get to me and get along with her....but I really just can't stand 'that girl.' haha