Is 115lbs at 5'4.5" realistic??

I am a success story, I've gone from 181 lbs to 121 lbs over the course of however many years. I've had ups and downs (currently in an up) and have gotten to where I never thought I'd be ever again. I've recently discovered bicycling and love the escape into nature that it provides.

I know that people say the last 5-10lbs is the hardest. However, I feel like I've been working on the last 5-10 lbs my whole life! So for those of you who have been where I am, with similar stats, is 115lb a realistic ultimate goal? I feel like my body just won't allow it so if anyone has made it, please inspire me!



  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    If it's a healthy weight on the bmi scale, I don't see why it wouldnt be realistic.
  • Pale_Green
    Pale_Green Posts: 64 Member
    Depends on your body...bmi may show it to be within healthy range for the average person, but that doesn't mean it is for everyone. All you can really do is continue to eat healthy and exercise, if your body naturally allows you to 115 while keeping up your good habits then your one that can hit 115 realistically.
  • zerojunk
    zerojunk Posts: 70 Member
    If that is a pic of you currently in the maroon sweater, I would stay right where I am. Looks like your peak as far as beauty goes, in my eyes anyway
  • jennyonthespot
    jennyonthespot Posts: 98 Member
    I think it really depends on your lifestyle. You obviously COULD get down to that weight with the appropriate calorie deficit, but would you want to eat the lesser amount of food required to maintain it? I'm shorter than you and I weigh more, but quite honestly I have no aspirations to lose more than 10 lbs because I have zero desire to maintain it.
  • Pale_Green
    Pale_Green Posts: 64 Member
    I think it really depends on your lifestyle. You obviously COULD get down to that weight with the appropriate calorie deficit, but would you want to eat the lesser amount of food required to maintain it? I'm shorter than you and I weigh more, but quite honestly I have no aspirations to lose more than 10 lbs because I have zero desire to maintain it.

    extremely good point!!!
  • amyjane_g
    amyjane_g Posts: 33 Member
    I am a success story, I've gone from 181 lbs to 121 lbs over the course of however many years. I've had ups and downs (currently in an up) and have gotten to where I never thought I'd be ever again. I've recently discovered bicycling and love the escape into nature that it provides.

    I know that people say the last 5-10lbs is the hardest. However, I feel like I've been working on the last 5-10 lbs my whole life! So for those of you who have been where I am, with similar stats, is 115lb a realistic ultimate goal? I feel like my body just won't allow it so if anyone has made it, please inspire me!


    Firstly, well done on your journey and achievements so far!

    Not at all.. I am 5'4.5 and my pre baby weight was 110lbs and had a healthy BMI. I have since lost 19lbs and like yourself it's the last few lbs that just won't budge as easily as the rest.. Though I would say, if you are feeling happy in your skin now and have taken to exercise (muscle weighs more than fat don't forget) then you may find that you aren't easily able to 'shift' those last few lbs as you are toning up and building muscle instead..
  • hodor82
    hodor82 Posts: 2 Member
    There are a few different questions to consider here, I think.

    According to basic BMI tables, 115 lbs. is almost at the minimum of the 'healthy' weight range for 5'4. In that (very basic) sense, yes that is a 'realistic' weight for your height. But that doesn't look at your frame size, musculature, or myriad other small variables that can affect the viability of this weight goal for you.

    For example, I'm 5'3" but actually have a medium frame (probably why I have never felt 'petite' ;P), which puts my healthy weight range at 121-135. Accordingly, at my thinnest and healthiest (with 1 hr. exercise/day and a body that 'muscles up' very easily!) I sit at about 130. Getting lower than that for *me* requires extreme calorie cutting, serious food restriction (e.g. cutting out all gluten, dairy, etc.), and more like 2-3 hrs. daily exercise. But for me, that's not sustainable -- 130 lbs. + a routine I enjoy and can sustain is the perfect balance for me!

    So I guess that's a roundabout way of saying...yes, 115 lbs. is scientifically, physically achievable for you. But I think it's worth seriously gauging the level of additional effort needed to get there and if the costs of doing so are worth the benefits of being six pounds lighter than your current weight. I'm not saying they won't be! But if the only reason you want to get down to that weight is just because you like the sound of the number, that's not enough of a justification, IMO.
  • faramelee
    faramelee Posts: 163 Member
    Firstly, I think you look amazing so well done! Secondly, why specifically 115? Of course it is doable but I'm with @jennyonthespot on this one. I'm ever so slightly taller than you and my body seems to want to stay at around 125, intially I wanted to lose more but I'm happy with my dietary life as it is. I like eating good quality chocolate every day, I like drinking wine and I don't want to have to minimise these things for the sake of an arbitrary figure when I know my body is looking good and I am healthy and strong the way I am.
    You may find that your new found love of cycling may just give your body the push if that's what you really want.
    Good luck!

  • Hope2BFit81
    Hope2BFit81 Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you for all the responses! I agree with the maintaining part. I LOVE food, and it's been so hard to restrict my calories, but I feel like it's all or nothing. If I allow myself to indulge, then I have a hard time getting back on track. I feel like being strict with my diet is the only way I can maintain as it is. I can't even imagine being able to do it at 6lbs lighter. I had gotten to 118 and loved how my body looked, but I think I was only at that weight for a day or two because it does feel like it's not a lifestyle I would want to maintain.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I think it really depends on your lifestyle. You obviously COULD get down to that weight with the appropriate calorie deficit, but would you want to eat the lesser amount of food required to maintain it? I'm shorter than you and I weigh more, but quite honestly I have no aspirations to lose more than 10 lbs because I have zero desire to maintain it.

    Well said!
  • JLG1986
    JLG1986 Posts: 212 Member
    All depends on your body type and don't forget muscle mass plays into this. I really don't believe in BMI - everyone has a different amount of bone and muscle mass, and a different body shape (many athletes are "obese" because of the muscle they carry on their frames).

    I think no one but YOU can know if 115 is healthy for you. Do what feels right, don't just do it for a number on the scale :smile:
  • subversive99
    subversive99 Posts: 273 Member
    Lots of good advice already. I would just add that now that you are at a healthy weight, it probably makes sense to start focusing less on the scale number, and more on body composition. We all use the scale as an easy proxy as we lose weight, but that's really all it is, a proxy. The real goals are really more around how we look, what we can do, etc. I'd work on your mindset around this, as you look fabulous in your picture and it's probably time to focus on goals other than scale numbers. Great job on all your success. :smile:
  • Hope2BFit81
    Hope2BFit81 Posts: 77 Member
    I may have a touch of BDD. I never think I look good enough and am always working on improvement. I have really good days and really bad days, which usually revolve around my eating habits. If I eat good, I feel good. If I have a bad day, I feel bad and feel like there's no hope. But tomorrow's always a new day!
  • Nikki10129
    Nikki10129 Posts: 292 Member
    If you haven't already it might be time to start a heavy lifting program and do a little body recomp. to get the sort of body you're looking for without restricting your calories too heavily!
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    I looked at your pics.
    I honestly think you need to now throw out the scale. Just CHUCK IT! Seriously.
    If you want to do anything, I'd start toning up ( though honestly, you don't need it !! fab! ) .. If you gain muscle, you may put on a bit of "weight" .. but the scale will lie to you!! you will look amazing and yet gain a possible lbs which could deflate you.
    I honestly think you are at that point that it isn't about the scale but definition.

    Good luck!
  • Yes. Ian 5 4 and 110 pounds and currently still losing weight so your g
  • rdrettig1
    rdrettig1 Posts: 62 Member
    I really think it depends on your frame. I am 5'5" and I have a very small frame. At 125 I was quite chubby. I am 102 lbs now and I still have a bit of a tummy. Most people my height look amazing at 125. Everyone is different.
  • samiraeh08
    samiraeh08 Posts: 43 Member
    Stop thinking about 'can I lose more weight?' and more like 'can I have healthier habits?' If you still see areas in you lifestyle that need improvement, then go for it. Otherwise, don't stress over the numbers
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Take an honest assessment of your current BF (calipers, tape measure, honest visual comparison to photos). From there, you can estimate if 115lb is realistic for you without having to sacrifice lean body mass.

    For example, I'm 173lb at ~12%BF, so if I wanted to get down to 165lb, that would be realistic as that would leave me at ~7.7% BF, which while very low is still realistic if you have the dedication for it. If I'm low on the original BF% estimate, then 165 is even more realistic. I have no plans for hitting that low though.
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