LOSE 10% body fat percentage by Rabbit Day

Zmac34 Posts: 32 Member
edited November 2024 in Challenges
I see many threads saying lose blank pounds by this date. However lbs are an inaccurate form of measuring one's body composition. Weight can simply be anything from water, bone, fat, and muscle. Thus to see if you're gaining muscle and losing fat consistently you should use a bioelectrical impedance (BIA)

The one I use was $18 on Amazon and is very accurate +or- 1.5%. It measures weight, body fat % muscle mass % bone density, and water %. It also informs you of your BMR.

I've went from 34% on Jan 1 to 30.5% on Feb 1rst. So the goal is now to drop to 20% by March 27th. My overall goal is to get to 10% by summer time and by this time next year be in the 7-8% range. Remember if your caloric intake is below your resting BMR then you will start to lose lean muscle mass and it will show on your scale.

Obviously the lower your BF% starting the more difficult it's going to be so I wouldn't recommend this if you're under 30% currently.


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