Macros Ratio

What is the best macros ratio for a women - 188 lbs - goal 145 lbs - and I carry my weight in my stomach. Also with the nutrients adjust automatically? Or what is also recommended for sugar and sodium etc?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    40/30/30 isn't a bad place to start.

    Don't worry about salt or sugar unless you have medical problems?
  • kimaboyd
    kimaboyd Posts: 23 Member
    No medical problems - just wasn't sure if sugar and sodium were also important to track
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    edited February 2016
    For weight loss it doesn't matter. For health and body composition it depends on your goals.
    If your lifting weights and want to retain as much muscle mass as possible while cutting (so that you end up with the toned look) you want to get enough protein. Shoot for .8-1 grams per pound of lean body mass (weight-(weight x body fat %)).
    For hormonal health, brain function, vitamin absorption, joint health and more, you want to get enough fat. The recommended guidelines are 20-30% of calories from fat. Since your number of calories could vary based on whether your trying to lose, gain or maintain weight, I find it better to base intake on bodyweight (so about .35-.42 grams per pound of lean bodyweight). Try to aim for most of your fat being unsaturated.
    Carbs then would fill in the rest of your available calories.

    .8 grams of protein x lean bodyweight x 4 calories per gram = calories from protein

    .4 grams of fat x lean bodyweight x 9 calories per gram = calories from fat

    Calorie goal - calories from fat and protein = calories from carbs

    Calories from carbs / 4 calories per gram = grams of carbs

    ETA and try to get 20-40 grams of fiber each day
  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    We definitely already told you this in your previous post asking the exact same thing, lol.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Stomach weight? - Too many carbs! Keep carbs under 100 grms/day.