Tabata/HIIT weight loss

I have a lot of weight to lose. Two pregnancies later I also gained seventy(!) lbs on top of never quite making my goal to begin with.

I don't have a lot of time to devote to working out, and (just being honest) when I do, I'd rather be sleeping. (Baby)

Does anyone have experience with starting out with tabata style hiit as a weight loss regimen versus an approach to improve fitness? I need to do more than a casual stroll, but I am trying to be realistic with something I can commit to. Thanks in advance!


  • Yellowon02
    Yellowon02 Posts: 76 Member

    To be honest with just 12-15 minutes a day of real work you will see results.
    Promise. That's all I did when I started training (used to be a runner) within a few months I had a six pack. I was thin to start with ... But if you are feeding your body what it needs. Protein nutrients water. You can see great results with minimal time. I even took a few minutes of my 5k time. ;)
    I recommend starting small. If you set yourself up with too much too soon you are apt to fail. Commit to 15 minutes a day. In your jammies. You can do it!