About 15lb to go.

I am 5'11 and 24. I am trying to cut down from now 184 to 170. I started my cut at 208 and this last little bit is driving me crazy. I have been dieting for about 7weeks. I use my polar watch to tell me I lose about 1050 calories every day I do cardio and lift, on non cardio days I burn about 500 or so and I do cardio 3-4 days and lift 5-6 days. Any tips and ideas on what to do to get this last bit off.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    If your not already using one, maybe try using a food scale to make your logging a bit more accurate. I wouldn't expect more than 0.5 lb per week though. The last little bit of weight is the slowest.
  • danieljbock1991
    danieljbock1991 Posts: 8 Member
    Pretty much. I weigh most things but try to eat foods that are by the piece so its easier...ie fish, chicken, and what not. But yeah I'm losing size in my arms Bach and everywhere else now it's time for the tummy. I'm vascular in the arms so I'm doing good just....it sucks that the tummy is last lol.